Thursday, October 24, 2012- we had a speech festival at church. Teens agers ages 12-17years old were sharing their speeches. It was a good day to learn a few things from the speeches prepared that night.
A few things I came away with that night were: "Language", be careful with your language, if others are using profanity around you, you can simply let them know it makes you uncomfortable and if they could try and refrain from using it when you're around, you would appreciate it. A no cuzzing club was developed by one boy in his school and that soon turned into thousands of members and other schools decided to start their own no cuzzing club. Another topic was: "FAMILY". You gotta live with them and you can't get away from them, so why not make the best of it. Families are like fudge, they are sweet with nuts. Of course, we all have a few nuts in our families, but thats what makes all of our families unique. If we were all the same, without nuts, what a boring family life we would have. Topic: "Divine Nature" - Be glad you're you. Stop trying to be like her or him. "JUST BE YOU, EVERYONE ELSE IS TAKEN." I like that saying presented by a young woman. You are you for a reason, so don't play copy cat and act like others just be YOU. Topic: "Service" - its not the big things you do that are always considered service, its those little simple acts of service - helping a teacher with her books to class, helping a fellow student on a test or a question in class- saying hello to people you don't know- a smile can go a long way. "When you are in the service of your fellow being, ye are only in the service of your GOD."
Alot of good topics being covered that night, and I was filled with a greater appreciation for self-worth, service, and trying to be a better Me. A good night!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
"Joel and Victoria Osteen" October 26, 2012
October 26, 2012 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA. It was my first time in the big Staples Center and I was so excited, you better believe. I always imagined that my first time in the Staples Center would be for a Lakers Game, but no, it was for a totally different event. One that inspired, uplifted and motivated me spiritually- it was a "NIGHT OF HOPE WITH JOEL AND VICTORIA".
When my cousin invited me to the event, I gotta say that I just wanted to go to experience the Staples Center. When we got our tickets we were all the way up in the nose bleed section and I was thinking maybe we're all the way up here so we can be even closer to the But as time went on, the seats were getting filled and I was thinking really, all these people are here to hear one man and his wife about the WORD, amazing!! By the time the event began every seat was taken so there was no way that we could have tried to upgarde at this point. I wasn't expecting anything spectacular or anything that would be worth blogging, but oh was I wrong! What an unforgettable night!
First of all, let me just start off by saying that all the odds were against us. I got to my cousins house after work and his car didn't start up, so we jumped in his other car and it worked. When the event was over, we jumped in his car and his car wouldn't start. For some reason, after the amazing night I was calm, at peace and filled with positivity. We waited for like 30 minutes and kept starting the car and sure enough it started. We made our way on the freeway and the car started jerking and my cousin was getting worried that we weren't gonna make it home. Well we made it to our exit, but as we were driving on the streets the car died out, but lucky thing we were close to home. We pulled over and started the car again and sure enough it started up. I wasn't worried at all and I knew we would make it to the house. After a great night like that, nothing would have upset me, and nothing did! Can't say so much about today, but Friday night, it was all good - lol.
I'm gonna share a few things that touched me that night from Joel and Victoria Osteen. He said we need to be grateful to be who we are. There are so many of us who walk around saying, I wish I were like her, or i wish i were thinner, but let me tell you, you are exactly the way the Master designed you. If he wanted you to be a little taller, he would have made you a little taller, if he wanted you to be a little skinnier, he would have made you a little skinnier - but you are exactly the way the Master wants you to be, so stop trying to be like someone else- you are UNIQUE and were blessed with your own talents and gifts. Use them and be glad you're YOU! You are painted the way the Master Painter of the World desigend and made you. He said you are not a victim you are the VICTOR! I am a Queen with qualities and talents that only I posess. Walk with your head up and be confident- the inner you and your inner beauty will radiate to your outside appearance. People will see your inward beauty as yo ucarry yourself with self assurance and confidence!
Whatever you have done wrong, or whatever people have done wrong to you, "LET IT GO", forgive them and forgive yourself. We are our worst critics. If you're doing something you shouldn't be doing, stop it today and re-focus, re-direct your path on the right path. Life is too short, let it go and move on. The LORD is a forgiving LORD and if he forgives you, then forgive yourself. Don't bring up things that happened in the past and re-surface them to bring yourslef down. Do what you need to do TODAY and move on! You are not being judged on your performance, you need to be you and be confident in doing whats right. Fill yourself with the Word and the scriptures everyday before you leave the house. Accept the Mercy of God, and move on. Dont dwell on what was done, but move forward on what neends to be done. There were so many things that I learned that night and I appreciate the way Joel and Victoria delivered their messages that night. They weren't screaming, they weren't being fake, they were simply sharing the WORD the way they knew how to and that was by merely talking with RESPECT, SIMPLICITY in a w ay that everyone who was there that night could appreciate and understand.
I had a great time that night and I went into the Staples Center with one attitude and came out of there with a better attitude! Indeed, a great night of upliftment and spiritual awakening! A great experience!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
So i'm coasting along just living it up one day at a time and I get a call from one of my cousins who wishes me a happy belated birthday! I say, thank you girl- you know how it is, getting older and still ROCKIN IT- LOL! So she tells me she's sending a birthday card, and i'm like sure thing- thanks! I really appreciate it. Then she tells me no, I want to give you a little something to celebrate your birthday- so check the mail. So I'm telling her via Facebook, cuz we're messaging now- I say, hope he has a bow around his neck with a smile, and she jokingly says, sorry - there's no bow around his nose, but I'll keep on looking for ya! Buahah we know how to have a good laugh!
So I'm thinking to myself, self, why is cousin so adamant about sending you a little good fortune, its all good, but in my mind, I'm saying- I sure could use a little suh um suh um to get me by till the next pay day- of couse I dont' tell her, but its like she's reading my mind.
Then she calls again today and tells me, well I don't really trust the mail with funds, so I'll put it directly to your account. I'm thinking umm thanks cousin, but the mail is probably way safer than my account. That mug might be in OVERDRAFT a word I am way too familiar with these days ugh! So I'm telling her, just mail it, its all good in the hood- lol! She's still kind of iffy, then I get a call back- ok its all ready to go. Go to Western Union and get yo man with the bow wrapped around his neck, his name is Washington or Jackson or watever the dead presidents name is..haha! I"m thinking to myself, can she read my mind, does she know that I'm borrowing from my little sister just to survive until payday?
Whatever the case may be, I say its another blessing from above. She was not giving up on sending me the birthday funds and for that I'm most grateful! Thank you cousin for thinking about me on my birthday- because it truly came "Right in the nick of time."
Its always good to know even though we don't talk everyday and we don't Facebook all the time, but we know how we are- and it goes without words- but a word here and there is very beneficial to the mind and spirit! Thanks again cousin for the gesture of LOVE! Like I tell my siblings, "ESE LE FAIGAKA O LE ALOFA"..Thanks again love ya!! You rock...O le ma'!
So I'm thinking to myself, self, why is cousin so adamant about sending you a little good fortune, its all good, but in my mind, I'm saying- I sure could use a little suh um suh um to get me by till the next pay day- of couse I dont' tell her, but its like she's reading my mind.
Then she calls again today and tells me, well I don't really trust the mail with funds, so I'll put it directly to your account. I'm thinking umm thanks cousin, but the mail is probably way safer than my account. That mug might be in OVERDRAFT a word I am way too familiar with these days ugh! So I'm telling her, just mail it, its all good in the hood- lol! She's still kind of iffy, then I get a call back- ok its all ready to go. Go to Western Union and get yo man with the bow wrapped around his neck, his name is Washington or Jackson or watever the dead presidents name is..haha! I"m thinking to myself, can she read my mind, does she know that I'm borrowing from my little sister just to survive until payday?
Whatever the case may be, I say its another blessing from above. She was not giving up on sending me the birthday funds and for that I'm most grateful! Thank you cousin for thinking about me on my birthday- because it truly came "Right in the nick of time."
Its always good to know even though we don't talk everyday and we don't Facebook all the time, but we know how we are- and it goes without words- but a word here and there is very beneficial to the mind and spirit! Thanks again cousin for the gesture of LOVE! Like I tell my siblings, "ESE LE FAIGAKA O LE ALOFA"..Thanks again love ya!! You rock...O le ma'!
"WHEN IT HAPPENS" by Susane Colasanti
'TELESA" The Covenant Keeper
Sunday, October 21, 2012
I was on my way home from work and I'm almost home, driving on the street and having the right of way, out of nowhere a car that was at a stop sign decides to cross the street and hits me on the passengers side. I'm driving my moms old green van and I'm so thankful I had no passengers with me this day. The impact was so hard, that I go swirving over the curb, my left tire goes flat and I can't go anywhere, I'm stuck in traffic. I had my seat belt on so I was safe. The passengers side of the car is smashed in and the sliding door window is shattered. I get out of the car because it smelled like there was something leaking from the engine. Sure enough, liquid was leaking from under the engine.
I saw the police nearby and waved them over letting them know I was just hit. The man who hit me drove his car across the street. I couldn't see his face, but I saw that he got out of his car, so I assumed he would cross and come and exchange information with me. Boy was I wrong, as soon as he saw the police, he got back in his car and left. I pointed him out to the police before he decided to leave the accident scene. The police tried to catch him, but he was gone. They came back to me and I gave them all my information and they said the man who hit me took off and they did not find him. Disappointed, frustrated and angered were my feelings, but for some strange reason, during the whole ordeal, I was calm and professional, not one cuzz word came out of my mouth (patting myself on the shoulder)..haha.
So I call my insurance company INFINITY and they take my report and I let them know it was a hit and run and I need road side assistance to get my car out of traffice. The agent tells me they can't get me a tow truck because it was an accident and they aren't authorized to do clean ups involving accidents. At this point, I'm furious, but still trying to be calm over the phone. I tell the agent, I need a tow truck you are my insurance carrier and you're telling me I can't get assistance, so what is the need for insurance if you can't help me? I said so what should I do call 911 and tell them I need a tow truck? She told me they do not handle accidents and she wouldn't be able to get me a tow truck. Almost feeling totally defeated, I tell her that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, so my insurance is only good for Road Side Assistance and not when I'm involved in an accident? She tells, me I'm sorry but we won't be able to get you a tow truck..I was very upset with my insurance company and they haven't heard the last of me yet.
So, I call my sister and luckily she lives 2 minutes away and she came to help me find a tow truck to tow my moms car out of traffic. So as I 'm waiting for the tow truck, a man in his late 50's or 60's is walking fast, he passes the van, and runs onto the street where the shattered glass is and picks something up off the road. I'm looking at him and thinking what is he doing, there's nothing but glass on the street. He proceeds to walk towards me and I"m thinking really, what on earth is he doing? Feeling a little aprehensive, I step back and he says, is this your car mam, I said YES, were you involved in a hit and run, I said YES, do you have any information from the driver or witnesses, I said NO. Then he flips over this plate and says, here you go mam, this is the license plate of the person who hit you, it was on the street. My heart flipped and my mouth dropped, I said, Bless your soul sir, thank you so much. I asked him, what made you stop and go on the street? He said he was walking and he heard the cars running over something and he knew it wasn't glass, he knew it had to be a license plate or something. He picked it up, and sure enough it was the license plate of the driver who hit me and left the scene.
Now, I ask you, how random is that? The good samaritans name is Paul and I thanked him and asked him, what made you stop? He pointed up to the sky with his index finger and said, he pormpted me to stop! How amazing is that..IN that instant I knew the LORD was helping me by guiding Mr. Paul to stop and give me the evidence that I needed to find out who hit me that day! What a remarkable and amazing thing that went from a HIT AND RUN to a HIT AND FOUND! I was so thankful that this pedestrian took the time to come on the street and hand me the license plate of the other car. Had he not taken the time to listen to the prompting and go on the steet; I would have never known who hit me that day on Thursday- October 18, 2012.
Touched by an Angel; a work of the LORD! SO GRATEFUL!
The police came back, I gave them the plate and they were able to find the man who hit me and left the scene. They called me and gave me all his information and the rest is being done by my insurance, which is the least they could do since they didn't provide me with any road side assistance- ugh, so frustrating!
The following day, I was calling my insurance to give them all the information of the other driver and in midst of doing all my calls, I found myself in tears and giving thanks to the MAN ABOVE, for preserving my life that day. I came out of that hit and run accident with no bodily scratches, a sane mind, a forgiving heart, and with nenewed spirits to be grateful for the gift of LIFE! I said a silent prayer of thanks for safety, for calming my heart and spirits during the whole incident and for the pedestrian Paul who found the license plates of the other driver. I'm not even mad about it because I know, everything will turn out the way its suppose to in the end. I can't drive my moms car anymore, its too beat up from the accident, but she was relieved to know that I was safe and that the only damage was with her vehicle. What a day it was and I'm grateful to be right here blogging my story in the safe confines of where I"m truly safe - in the HOME! "GOD IS GOOD!"
I saw the police nearby and waved them over letting them know I was just hit. The man who hit me drove his car across the street. I couldn't see his face, but I saw that he got out of his car, so I assumed he would cross and come and exchange information with me. Boy was I wrong, as soon as he saw the police, he got back in his car and left. I pointed him out to the police before he decided to leave the accident scene. The police tried to catch him, but he was gone. They came back to me and I gave them all my information and they said the man who hit me took off and they did not find him. Disappointed, frustrated and angered were my feelings, but for some strange reason, during the whole ordeal, I was calm and professional, not one cuzz word came out of my mouth (patting myself on the shoulder)..haha.
So I call my insurance company INFINITY and they take my report and I let them know it was a hit and run and I need road side assistance to get my car out of traffice. The agent tells me they can't get me a tow truck because it was an accident and they aren't authorized to do clean ups involving accidents. At this point, I'm furious, but still trying to be calm over the phone. I tell the agent, I need a tow truck you are my insurance carrier and you're telling me I can't get assistance, so what is the need for insurance if you can't help me? I said so what should I do call 911 and tell them I need a tow truck? She told me they do not handle accidents and she wouldn't be able to get me a tow truck. Almost feeling totally defeated, I tell her that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, so my insurance is only good for Road Side Assistance and not when I'm involved in an accident? She tells, me I'm sorry but we won't be able to get you a tow truck..I was very upset with my insurance company and they haven't heard the last of me yet.
So, I call my sister and luckily she lives 2 minutes away and she came to help me find a tow truck to tow my moms car out of traffic. So as I 'm waiting for the tow truck, a man in his late 50's or 60's is walking fast, he passes the van, and runs onto the street where the shattered glass is and picks something up off the road. I'm looking at him and thinking what is he doing, there's nothing but glass on the street. He proceeds to walk towards me and I"m thinking really, what on earth is he doing? Feeling a little aprehensive, I step back and he says, is this your car mam, I said YES, were you involved in a hit and run, I said YES, do you have any information from the driver or witnesses, I said NO. Then he flips over this plate and says, here you go mam, this is the license plate of the person who hit you, it was on the street. My heart flipped and my mouth dropped, I said, Bless your soul sir, thank you so much. I asked him, what made you stop and go on the street? He said he was walking and he heard the cars running over something and he knew it wasn't glass, he knew it had to be a license plate or something. He picked it up, and sure enough it was the license plate of the driver who hit me and left the scene.
Now, I ask you, how random is that? The good samaritans name is Paul and I thanked him and asked him, what made you stop? He pointed up to the sky with his index finger and said, he pormpted me to stop! How amazing is that..IN that instant I knew the LORD was helping me by guiding Mr. Paul to stop and give me the evidence that I needed to find out who hit me that day! What a remarkable and amazing thing that went from a HIT AND RUN to a HIT AND FOUND! I was so thankful that this pedestrian took the time to come on the street and hand me the license plate of the other car. Had he not taken the time to listen to the prompting and go on the steet; I would have never known who hit me that day on Thursday- October 18, 2012.
Touched by an Angel; a work of the LORD! SO GRATEFUL!
The police came back, I gave them the plate and they were able to find the man who hit me and left the scene. They called me and gave me all his information and the rest is being done by my insurance, which is the least they could do since they didn't provide me with any road side assistance- ugh, so frustrating!
The following day, I was calling my insurance to give them all the information of the other driver and in midst of doing all my calls, I found myself in tears and giving thanks to the MAN ABOVE, for preserving my life that day. I came out of that hit and run accident with no bodily scratches, a sane mind, a forgiving heart, and with nenewed spirits to be grateful for the gift of LIFE! I said a silent prayer of thanks for safety, for calming my heart and spirits during the whole incident and for the pedestrian Paul who found the license plates of the other driver. I'm not even mad about it because I know, everything will turn out the way its suppose to in the end. I can't drive my moms car anymore, its too beat up from the accident, but she was relieved to know that I was safe and that the only damage was with her vehicle. What a day it was and I'm grateful to be right here blogging my story in the safe confines of where I"m truly safe - in the HOME! "GOD IS GOOD!"
"Slave to Sensation" by Nalini Singh

Lucas - the ALPHA PANTHER was a man/panther who earned his way to the top of his pack. He had a tough upbringing, losing his family and having to see them suffer in plain view. My heart went out to Lucas as his heart was in total despair as he watched his mother get tortured and his father beaten. I can't even begin to imagine the depth of his anger and need for vengeance boiling up in his being- so terrible! He almost died, but with his determination to seek vengeance for his family's killer, that emotion kept him alive through the whole grueling ordeal! And he did get REVENGE!!
Enter, Sascha Duncan- born into the generation of the Psy. They are taught and programmed to have no feelings, no emotions, no human senses at all. Just their minds linked to the PsyNet to receive data, process it and aid with the PSY population to gather information in mere miliseconds.They have telekinetic, telepathic talents beyond that of the Animal packs. Unlike the animal packs, the Psy do not touch each other, do not feel emotions and pretty much walk around like robots, with the exception of Sascha. She thinks she is flawed, because she has been feeling things a normal Psy would not feel. She is put to work on making deals with Lucas- the Alpha Panther. When they begin working with each other, being from different worlds and enemies, something happens- and boy does it explode- BOOM!
The two of them instantly start having feelings for each other. Sascha knows she is not suppsed to be feeling the way she does around Lucas, but she can't stop herself. In her mind, she's saying to herself, you are forbidden to feel lust or any other feelings for this HOT PANTHER, but her body is telling her otherwise and giving off a sense that Lucas with his animalistic senses can pick up immediately. He can feel that she's different and her reactions and her body language tells him that she is a PSY with feelings. One night they are together and on and off he flirts with her to see how far she will take it and he asks her to experiment with him, a simple kiss, to see how it would be since all PSY have the "No skin priviledges" branned in their brain and memory data. She knows she's dying to feel his touch and a kiss would just be the icing on on the cake for her, since lately she's been having some pretty steamy dreams with none other than Lucas in them. So she takes the bait and he kisses her slowly, then a little more and then soon enough Sascha is bursting with Lust and wants more, wants to feel what she has been deprived of for years, and she gives in to the KISS! She feels exhilirated and filled with a completion she has never felt before in her life- TOUCH!!
This is the first book of a series and I intend to read all of them. I have a friend who has read the whole series and reports that I will not be sorry if I decide to dive into the PSY-CHANGELING WORLD, and I plan to do just that. After reading book #1, I totally plan on reading book #2. I really loved the way the packs work. They are 100% in tune and behind their leader - what the ALPHA says goes. I love how Lucas does anything for his mate- Sascha even though she was the enemy, he could not deny his feelings for her and neither could she. She ends up feeling things beyond her wildest imaginations and dreams. I don't know if I could be like Sascha and withhold all those feelings for so many years. It would be a lifeless and meaningless world if I could not feel, touch or enjoy the simple human senses that we have. I loved their relationship and how it grew and blossomed into something that would be broken only by DEATH! Animal pride and love with the PSY is wonderful- a great read and love story!!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
"Almost Heaven" by Judith McNaught

I really enjoyed this book, but the only thing was that I got impatient. The book was very long, but the times that it did grasp my full attention and move me to tears is what made me grateful I didn't give up on reading.
I absolutely loved Elizabeth Cameron for her mind and intelligence. In the Ton society, a woman is merely a thing of beauty, to be called upon by men of high ranking titles and is never to exchange her ideas or suggestions about life and literature and things of that nature with men. But not Elizabeth, no sirree, she had a brilliant mind and was not ashamed to share her ideas with anyone who would listen. She's a beautiful thing to behold, emerald green eyes, shiny golden hair and a figure that would take a mans breath away. I loved her SPUNK, WIT, CHARM, her love for her servants and her GENUINE LOVING HEART! Elizabeth Cameron was a diva! Many men asked for her hand in courtship and marriage, but only one man stood out to her and that was none other than IAN THORNTON.
Now he is a hunk of all hunks. He's handsome, muscular, tanned body and brilliant minded! He was known in the TON as a mad gambler, a murderer and an irrational man who went around to balls, courting all sorts of ladies and had the worst reputation. He could care less what people thought about him, for as far as he was concerned they didn't matter to him. Little did the people of the Ton know that Ian Thornton was one of the richest men in society. He won gold mines with his gambling, ships and was filthy rich. The so called higher nobles looked down on him because he would always gamble with them and would win. I loved Ian for his non-chalant character and his ability to LOVE Elizabeth. He loved her to no end and it was evident in the book as their love unfolded.
Talk about a whole bunch of miscommnication and misunderstanding in this book oh my goodness! Elizabeth first bumped into Ian at a ball and found herself immersed in his beauty and personality. Ian was intrigued by her mind and how beautiful she was. She ends up watching a poker game that Ian was in with the other noblemen and they were accusing Ian of cheating. Elizabeth without thinking, defends Ian and lets the other men know that he was not cheating and he won fair and square. Her actions were unheard of in Londons Society, but she didn't know why she reacted that way, but she knew that she felt things with Ian that she didn't comprehend herserf. The next day she meets Ian in a cottage and spends the rainy afternoon with him, but she was already betrothed to another mister..another big mistake for Elizabeth. She enjoyed her afternoon with Ian as things got a little hot and steamy and when she was with him, she lost all sense of logic and just went with what she felt and boy did that cost her a reputable reputation slandering in the Ton. She was young and naive and didn't understand her feelings for the opposite sex!
I loved this part of the book when Ian told Elizabeth he was summoning the divorce papers and she went stiff and still, this is what she told Ian, "Listen carefully to me, darling, because I'm giving you fair warning that i won't let you do this to us. you gave me your love, and I will not let you take it away. The harder you try, the harder I'll fight you. I'll haunt your dreams at night, exactly the way you've haunted mine every night I was away from you. You'll lie awake in bed at night, wanting me, and you'll know I'm lying awake, wanting you. And when you cannot stand it anymore, she promised achingly, you'll come back to me, and I'll be there, waiting for you. I'll cry in your arms, and I'll tell you I'm sorry for everything I've done, and you'll help me find a way to forgive myself."
She said, " I've hurt you terribly, my love, and I'll hurt you again during the next fifty years. And you are going to hurt me, Ian-never, I hope, as much as you are hurting me now. But if that's the way it has to be, then I'll endure it, because the only alternative is to live without you, and that is no life at all. The difference is that I know it, and you don't- not yet." " I am not a labrador retriever."
Like I said, talk about LOVE ay yay yay! Those words moved me to tears. Her love for IAN was incomprehensible. She loved him with every fiber in her being as she declared her love for him even though he was being such a douche bag. I couldn't believe he put her thru that kind of torment. If I were in that situation, I don't know if LOVE would bring me to waiting on him and to endure the hateful things he said and as far as the divorce papers- what a dreadful thing to do. But luckily, Elizabeth is one sound and loving creature, who knew deep within her HEART, that IAN would come to his senses and they would be together again..Now that is LOVE! (awww....wiping my tears)
This is the part of the book that I loved when Ian found Elizabeth in the cottage in Scotland " If you would take one step forward, darling, you could cry in my arms. And while you do, I'll tell you how sorry I am for everything I've done. And when I'm finished,he whispered hoarsely as she wrapper her arms around him and wept brokenly, you can help me find a way to forgive myself." Tortured by her tears, he clasped her tighter and rubbed his jaw against her temple, his voice a ravaged, whisper: "I'm sorry," he told her. He cupped her face between his palms,tipping it up and gazing into her eyes, his thumbs movine over her wet cheeks. "I'm sorry." Slowly, he bent his head, covering her mouth with his. "I'm so damned sorry."
Now thats what I call an apology...I'm so sorry with all the emotion and love felt between the two of them was INCREDIBLE! I loved how their love was undefiable and how Elizabeth did not give up; what a GEM! Ian was a man of many wounds and misfortunes as he lost his whole family at a young age, having to grow up on his own. When he lost his family, he did not want to LOVE or be hurt again by anyone, Until without thought, he instantly fell in love with Elizabeht Cameron.
Their love story was truly one of ENDEARMENT AND TRUE LOVE. The things that LOVE causes people to do, is absolutely crazy and mind blowing. Alot of unfortunate things happened to both Ian and Elizabeth. They were together one moment and the next Ian was summoning divorce papers. It was a grueling 3 months withouth each other, and as fate would have it, Ian returned to his true home in Scotland only to find his true love who escaped London and went to the only place she knew she could find solace and peace from the rumors and newspaper slanderings of her and her husband Ian.He did not know she was in Scotland. He only went there to find peace of mind for himself and Elizabeth knew in her heart that he would one day return, and in her quest to never love another man only IAN, she was right; he returned.
Having the two of them Ian and Elizabeth reunited was truly "ALMOST HEAVEN."
Thank you for a lovely read about true love and that its not always the happy and loving moments that make life memorable, but the heart trenching and grueling adversities that two people in love must over come to truly enjoy their jouney and life together always! TEAM IAN AND ELIZABETH - they rock!!!
And those are my long thoughts...Thank you:)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
40's IS THE NEW 30'S...YUP..YUP
OK blogger world, just comin on here to say, that I've made it to my 40th Birthday- hooray for me! I must admit, I still feel the same, look the same and unfortunately weigh the same- lol, I probably gained some weight but watevers, but 40 is feeling mighty good right about now!
Lets see last Thursday, I went to the House of Blues with my cousin and sister and we had a good time. Performing was JBOOG, and to my surprise he gave a shout out to me for my brithday- Big ups to ya man for that!! Afterwards, I went to celebrate and none other than the infamous GOLDEN ARCHES- you got it MCDONALDS- I'm lovin it!
Then Friday was here and I was off to spend my birthday with my brother and older sister in the Holy City "Utah". I was picked up at the airport and my 2 little nephews greeted me with pink roses, saying, "Happy Birthday" and it was such a beautiful gesture- I just hugged them and was grateful. I jumped in the car and greeted my other 2 twin nephews and they were staring at me at first but then they remembered who i was, and gave me a big smile!
I must admit, that my original birthday plan was to go to SIN CITY, but being with family was PRICELESS! So what do we do when leave the airport, we go straight to the fave place MCDONALDS. hahaha...I guess we just can't get enough of that place. So the kids are playing in the playground, but mind you these are not ordinary kids, these are my brothers kids and all boys, so you can imagine what they do at the playground. They kick each other, start doing their kung fu moves as if there are no other kids there, the other twin is sniffing everyones shoes and throwing them all over the place- ay yay yay- he probably got a quick high from them shoes whoa! We tried to calm the kids down and tell them to behave, but that didn't work. They started to kick the other kids to get them involved in their ninja fights, but I don't think the other parents liked that. So we decided it was time to pack it up and go home, before one of these parents tell management and kick us out! All 4 boys all under 5 years old, you can imagine the wiggles they were trying to shake off in that playground. Never a dull moment with them kids, and I love it haha! Of course, aunty has to be aunty and igi some auagas now and then but all in a days work lol.
For my birhtday dinner, we went to "Bucket O Crawfish" and had some fried, shrimp, boiled shrimp crab with mild and spicy cajun flavoring. The stuff was good! I really enjoyed dinner and of course the kids were eating and running and we had to use some laying on of hands to calm them down lol! After dinner, we went home and I asked my older sister to watch the kids so I could go and watch...wait for it, wait for it...tah guessed it, "Pitch Perfect" again with my brother his wife and my cousin. We had a good time and they loved the movie, that was my 4th time seeing and it still makes me laugh- hooray!!
So that pretty much was how my birthday went. Sweet, simple and with the people that matter the MOST- my FAMILY!
Just grateful to be alive and well, with good family, good parents who have raised me well, good siblings, good relatives, good eats, good laughs, good times, and a good HEART! Always need to remember to have a good attitude and personality! I know at times, I can be stand offish and give my siblings a hard time, but they all know genuinely where my heart is and thats with them! LOVE, PEACE and UNITY...Good nite all.."FAMILIES ARE FOREVER"...Missing my dad- but always in my heart!!
Lets see last Thursday, I went to the House of Blues with my cousin and sister and we had a good time. Performing was JBOOG, and to my surprise he gave a shout out to me for my brithday- Big ups to ya man for that!! Afterwards, I went to celebrate and none other than the infamous GOLDEN ARCHES- you got it MCDONALDS- I'm lovin it!
Then Friday was here and I was off to spend my birthday with my brother and older sister in the Holy City "Utah". I was picked up at the airport and my 2 little nephews greeted me with pink roses, saying, "Happy Birthday" and it was such a beautiful gesture- I just hugged them and was grateful. I jumped in the car and greeted my other 2 twin nephews and they were staring at me at first but then they remembered who i was, and gave me a big smile!
I must admit, that my original birthday plan was to go to SIN CITY, but being with family was PRICELESS! So what do we do when leave the airport, we go straight to the fave place MCDONALDS. hahaha...I guess we just can't get enough of that place. So the kids are playing in the playground, but mind you these are not ordinary kids, these are my brothers kids and all boys, so you can imagine what they do at the playground. They kick each other, start doing their kung fu moves as if there are no other kids there, the other twin is sniffing everyones shoes and throwing them all over the place- ay yay yay- he probably got a quick high from them shoes whoa! We tried to calm the kids down and tell them to behave, but that didn't work. They started to kick the other kids to get them involved in their ninja fights, but I don't think the other parents liked that. So we decided it was time to pack it up and go home, before one of these parents tell management and kick us out! All 4 boys all under 5 years old, you can imagine the wiggles they were trying to shake off in that playground. Never a dull moment with them kids, and I love it haha! Of course, aunty has to be aunty and igi some auagas now and then but all in a days work lol.
For my birhtday dinner, we went to "Bucket O Crawfish" and had some fried, shrimp, boiled shrimp crab with mild and spicy cajun flavoring. The stuff was good! I really enjoyed dinner and of course the kids were eating and running and we had to use some laying on of hands to calm them down lol! After dinner, we went home and I asked my older sister to watch the kids so I could go and watch...wait for it, wait for it...tah guessed it, "Pitch Perfect" again with my brother his wife and my cousin. We had a good time and they loved the movie, that was my 4th time seeing and it still makes me laugh- hooray!!
So that pretty much was how my birthday went. Sweet, simple and with the people that matter the MOST- my FAMILY!
Just grateful to be alive and well, with good family, good parents who have raised me well, good siblings, good relatives, good eats, good laughs, good times, and a good HEART! Always need to remember to have a good attitude and personality! I know at times, I can be stand offish and give my siblings a hard time, but they all know genuinely where my heart is and thats with them! LOVE, PEACE and UNITY...Good nite all.."FAMILIES ARE FOREVER"...Missing my dad- but always in my heart!!
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