OK, so I'm new to the whole PSY CHANGELING SERIES, but by golly gee I'm enjoying this RIDE its taking me on. One moment I feel like I'm in love with a controlling PSY with mind powers and the next I'm in total fascination with a WOLF or CAT PACK. Whichever one it is that I choose to side with at the moment,I get totally enthrawled in the close knit bond of the WOLF and CAT PACK and the affection they show each other is totally touching, literally! When the PSY find their way out of the Psy Net, its such a calming sensation to know that even without their connection to the Psy world, there is hope for them to find individual FREEDOM, to mate, to touch, to learn without being programmed, to live off of internal emotions and human instincts, just takes my breath away!
Judd Lauren - Arrow Killing machine, fully equipped and trained to KILL, use telekinetic and telepathy skills to destroy anything that comes in his way. He was trained like all the other PSY to not have emotions, no feelings, cold as ice expressions. He could be tortured, but you wouldn't know it because he's a trained killiing machine that shows no emotions.
Brenna Kincaid- CAT Pack- full of emotions, need touch to feel alive, needs to be loved, needs to have a mate, was taken captive by Enrique Santano (PSY COUNCIL MEMBER) totally raped her mind and did physical and mental damage to her being; but he failed because she SURVIVED all his cruel tactics and he died at the hands of her PACK ( a very slow and torturing death; a well deserved death)
This book was wonderful! My heart went out to Judd, "He was an assassin by choice. He was one because he couldn't be anything else." What he physically went thru to show his love for his mate Brenna. I totally gave mad props to Judd for his strength to mentally be abused to give his mate what she needed, love, touch and the emotional hunger to be fed and could only be given by him. He was my Knight and Shinning HERO throughout the whole book. I'll be sharing parts of the book that moved me in ways mentally and physically- use your imagination peeps..lol! HERE WE GO:
The Alpha Cat- Hawke, he is talking to Brenna; she's upset that her brothers and Judd are overprotective because of her abduction by Enrique. Hawke tells her, "I'm your alpha . My job is to make sure you're a healthy member of the pack, not a crippled one." So true, he knew she could take care of herself. Her brothers being the loving brothers that they are, were very protective and wanted to make sure that her every move was monitored, but only her Alpha knew that she didn't need babysitting.
Brenna is havng one of her moments where she feels like (Enrique Santano) permanently damaged her for life, but her mate Judd tells her, "You will defeat this as you've defeated every other thing he did to you. You are not crippled, not now, not ever, 'He'd kill anyone who implied otherwise. "You survived once and you'll keep spitting in his face by continuing to survive again and again." What a loving thing to say to his mate to make her come out of her self pitty party.he brought her back to reality.
Judd is in love with Brenna and he's' getting frustrated that he and Brenna cannot feel their supposed to be mates. " He was a psychic being, He would have seen it had it been present in any form. That it wasn't, was a sign that though they might be drawn to each other, they weren't made to fit. he didn't give a damn. He was keeping her." HOly goodness, he was keepin her and that was FINAL! She is all yours for the taking JUDD!
Sascha was talking to her mate Lucas, "If you try for perfection, you become exactly like the Psy." A cold, robotic, race witout the ability to laugh, love or cherish. No race is perfect." So true, the Psy's able to escape the Psy world and find their freedom are adapting to their new world. Enjoying the bond with their cat and wolf packs, touching, embracing, loving and feeliing an OVERLOAD of happiness they could never have experienced in the Psy world.
Judd was not liked very much by the PACK because his own kind was the one who abducted Brenna and violated her mind and physical being. Judd was nothing like his kind. He slowly had feelings and emotions which did cause him great pain, but despite it all, his love for Brenna outweighed the pain he endured.
It was evident in this book that Brenna was a very strong willed and determined young lady. She knew who she loved and would stop at nothing to get him! She knew he was the enemy and was a heartless, cold being, but deep inside it all, she could feel with her HEART, that JUDD was the one for her. There was no going back. Even Judd told her once you make that decision that you choose me to be your mate, there are no doubts or second thoughts and she knew with every fiber in her being that he was the ONE! Though they had so much against each other, they were not compatible according to their different worlds, but when LOVE is the central key to their relationship nothing else mattered. They were destined to be togther.
I marveled at their love and how in the end, Judd was safe and found his bond with Brenna in the deepest parts of his Psy Mind. He was accepted into the PACK as he earned their trust by helping to heal Brenna and by literally saving Brennas brother when he should have been dead. It was good to know his PSY training came in handy for something of good!
A great read, so much was going on in this book and seeing that there were 48 Chapters I thought I would never get thru it, but as I continued to read page after page, those 48 chapters eventually flew by in a blink of an eye! Thank you for a good read, and like before I'll be looking forward to completing the PSY Changeling Series soon.. TEAM JUDD AND BRENNA - CAT WOMAN and PSY ARROW LOVE!!