Good day all,
Just wanted to tap in to the Bloggin world and catch up on the weekend...Lets see Friday nite, had dinner at Alondra with all those who participated in the Luau, it was nice. Then went to the Huntington Beach dance with Renate, Celeste and Tolu and I was being Aunty Chaperone and just texting the night away!! Ended up at Fabs and bummped into Big Boi and got him some food and called it a nite. Saturday woke up early and I don't know why I did that, silly....then went to temple with my moms for Stake RS Temple Day, which was great by the way....Went to the El Camino Football game to watch Tolu play and low and behold with a minute and some seconds left, he was able to sack the Quarterback...I knew I wasn't waiting all nite long for nothing to that was good.
Now Sunday was good, during opening prayer the lights went out in the chapel, and I was like Oh Boyee...the signs of the times are here....we're in Trouble!! haha...but there was a power outage in Lawndale, sheesh that was a close one I thought i was gonna leave this world without experiencing some things in this world ya know what I'm saying....uh church was good and then toona'i at the Nikos was great too...Just loved the diverse foods that we ate...Some enchiladas, chicken pop overs, your normal samoan food, some tender roast and kalbi ribs and other stuff I can't remember, but the food was on delicioso!! Then of course the stories of having our grandmothers fa'a mama the food for the kids and YES we all experienced so tastey!!UGH....But that was hilarious a ea....I wouldn't advise doing that in these times kay...Then went to pese at the Carson Chapel and was just singing my little heart out and praises unto HIM up above! So it was a peaceful Sunday! Sorry for such a boring blog today but the details are for others and not for the public...haha...Aighty den all, take care and hope to hear from ya'll today~ If not then, manuia le vaiaso peeps!!
Ofa atu,
1 comment:
Hey so you went to the Huntington Beach Dance? That's good, gosh I don't even remember the last dance I went was a long time ago though. That's good about Tolu, he's doing good on the football field then? Handle that, Tolu...
Gosh, I'm all kinds of mad that I missed Sunday's To'ona'i in Compton but I will for sure be at the next one, how was the FHE? Did you stay for that? How was it? Are you going to the next one? Let me know, I want to make it to Compton the same time you go this time, we always miss each other!
Thanks for the recap on your weekend and B Nice, you just let me know if you need a spell for your boss, alrighty? Cause I'm all on it!
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