The sequel to "Hunger Games"-"Catching Fire" is fantastic! I loved this book and although alot of the reviews I've read say otherwise, I can't stop thinking about how much LOVE I have for PEETA MELLARK and the book. He is the absolute love of my life right now, next to the teacher in GLEE. (Mr. Shu)
Katniss Everdeen- District 12 Victor from Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark- District 12 Victor from Hunger Games, loves Katniss
Gale- friend of Katniss, loves Katniss (cousin in book)
Haymitch- Katniss and Peeta's Mentor for Hunger Games
President Snow- President of Capitol
Cinna- Katniss designer
Effie- Katniss and Peeta's scheduler
Finnick- District 4 Tribute
Johanna- District 7 Tribute
My Thoughts:
Katniss and Peeta have made it out of the Hunger Games ALIVE, not one, but both of them. The poisonous berries which Katniss had in her palm ready to devour with Peeta when the Capitol tried to tell them both that there would only be 1 Victor has caused an uproar in the Districts. Katniss without knowing what she started, acted off of pure human instinct with the berries, so the Capitol was not going to be mocked and had no choice but to let her and Peeta live and return home to District 12.
They both have different lives now. Their families move to Victors Village Homes where only 3 are used, Haymitch, Peeta and Katniss' family occupy the 3 homes because the 3 of them have won the Games. Haymitch won the games back in the day by using the force field as a weapon killing off the last opponent during his time in the games. Clever mind indeed!
President Snow, the Capitols president pays Katniss a visit, telling her, if she doesn't cooperate with the Capitol that Gale and those she holds dearest to her heart will die! So she tells President Snow (who smells of blood and roses) that she will cooperate. How tragic is that! What a deal, its no deal UGH!
Catching Fire was a sure turning point for the rebels in each district. Katniss was surprised that for these 75th Quell Games the Capitol was going to call all those existing victors to go back in to the arena and play in the games again! She was distraught and could not believe she was going to be thrown back in the very arena where her and Peeta fought to stay alive together. Preparations are made and it is between Haymitch, Peeta and Katniss, we obviously know since there has to be a girl and a boy from each district that Katniss has no choice but to participate and we know that Haymitch even if he tried to play in the games, Peeta would volunteer to fight in the games to protect Katniss. It's a given that Peeta really truly loves Katniss and will do everything in his power to protect her however possible, even to give his own life to save her from dangers way.
I just love Peeta for his loving ways and how he unconditionally loves Katniss. She is his first and foremost important priority in life! He says things to her that catch her off guard, saying his life won't be worth living without her in it, if he were to survive and return to District 12 without her. He tells her that she has people in her life that need her, Prim, her mother, Gale and he really has noone, his family can move on with his other siblings there for his parents, but Katniss feels a dryness in her throat and tells Peeta, I need you. She realizes that her goal in the games is to keep Peeta alive and she cannot let him die, he needs to return and live when she dies. But, it appears that they both are determined to keep each other alive!
I'm not surprised when Gale finally kisses Katniss in the woods. It wasn't romantic or anything but he just grabs her and kisses and tells her, I just had to at least do it once. Then they both act like it never happened. I can imagine how Gale felt seeing Katniss and Peeta carry on as a couple in love when really Gale loves Katniss and vice versa.
Alot of action occurs in Catching Fire and really too much to explain. Lets get down to the nitty gritty. An alliance is built under the planning of District 13, the head Game Planner and Haymitch. They plan a rebellion during the games but do not disclose this information to Katniss and Peeta. Katniss finds it strange that everyone is trying to keep Peeta and herself alive. Finnick, Joanna, and others all form an alliance to protect them in order for the rebels plan to work.
The plan was pretty kool to me, but I so didn't agree with them carrying out the plan with Katniss and Peeta unaware of the plot all along. I understand that it had to be that way in order for the plan to be convincing, but I can't help but feel the same way that Katniss feels, as if Haymitch and the others were just using her and Peeta as a piece for their own game. I totally understand where Katniss feels so betrayed by those she trusted and how she is full of rage and anger and doesn't want to cooperate with anyone.
It appears that everyone looks to Katniss as the "Mockingjay", her pin that was given to her from Madge for good luck. All the rebels use the mockingjay emblem as a token for their stand to unite and rebel against the Capitol. Of course, this is done on the down low! Alot of people have died who have stood up to the Capitol and their ways. One individual who made a great statement against the Capitol by using Katniss' wardrobe was Cinna. Katniss trusted him and enjoyed him being her stylist. He turned her wedding dress into a gray gown with feathers and wings to represent a Mockingjay Bird and she twirled and twirled in front of all the cameras for all the districts and the Capitol to see during her interview. Of course, poor Cinna was punished, but what a statement of hope he left for the districts to see! I heart Cinna very daring!!
There was a part in the book where we see Katniss' affection and feelings for Peeta come alive! Its the part where he shows Katniss the locket with the Mockingjay and it has pictures of Prim, her mother and Gale. Katniss is taken by his words that she has people who love her and that need her to return and he puts the locket around her neck. She is moved with emotion and not letting Peeta finish his explanation she hushes him by leaning forward to kiss him and he still tries to talk and finally stops as Katniss lets her feelings show for Peeta. She kisses him with real feeling and her emotions radiate to Peeta as they embrace each other and share that moment on the beach and then they're interrupted by Finnick! Oh well all good things must come to an end! But that moment was a great one! A real affectionate kiss shared by Katniss and Peeta. ( I CRIED, I WAS SO HAPPY!! haha)
Another part in the book, Haymitch tells Katniss, you will never in a thousand years deserve Peeta and she knows this. He really loves her and really wants to marry her! Keep the dream alive Peeta, you never know..HOPE FLOATS! Can I have a PEETA, just a little part of PEETA if I can't have the whole package deal haha! I have to admit I cried a few times for Peeta, just his dedication and love for Katniss is so genuine that I can't help but feel for him. He can't help himself but love her and she doesn't give him what he deserves, the affection or love given back to him..Its hard for Katniss, but I appreciate the little things she tries to share with him, generic kisses and holding hands, but he takes what he can get.
Does the rebellion plan work? Do Peeta and Katniss survive the games? I have left out alot of information, but I'll let the readers take a gander at the book and answer their own questions. I've just shared parts of the book that got my stomach churning for more and in Catching Fire, I felt more and more love for PEETA!
Tshirt says, "PEETA, he can frost my cupcakes anyday!" I love that!!
Onto reading, "Mockingjay", I know its gonna be great!