Friday, September 3, 2010- Dinner at Black Angus with the visiting Tahitians. A delightful and pleasant couple from Papaete, Tahiti- Reina and Manu. They are good friends with my cousin Yvette and are staying for a few weeks on vacation with my neighbor and her family Denell.
We met up at Black Angus in Torrance, CA and had a great time and great food. Let's see in Tahiti they are accustomed to eating steak and fries so they ordered steak medium rare and that redness that oozed out of the steak was like whoa! I had prime rib medium well and it was great although I think next time I'll get medium rare but not as red. We had a variety platter with zucchini, wings, chicken tenders and other things I can't remember. We had cheese bread and wheat bread and so you know by the time the main course came I was getting full from the appetizers. But, I love when my cousin Yvetter orders appetizers, she always orders the best stuff guaranteed to be yummy. Her husband who we call "DOC" cuz he is a Doctor was there too so I had to go easy big time on the bread, but I'm such the bread eater UGH~ Gotta love the Doc haha~ But the food was great and the waiter was a cute Filipino guy with a name I can't remember and cute dimples. But, I told myself I'm over that phase of liking Filipinos haha..gotta move on, not a good memory to reflect upon haha~
Oh so it was Doc, Vett, Flo, Me, Bernz, Reina, Manu, Denell and To'a and everyone had an enjoyable dinner. Haven't been to Black Angus in a long time..Oh I do have to add that when it was time to pay for dinner Vett grabbed her wallet, Bernz grabbed her wallet and I grabbed my lip balm hehe..I'm younger so thanks for dinner cousin~~ I love my cousin~Great time!
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