Saturday,January 29, 2011
It was a sad day for us. My dear Uncle Robin passed away at the UCLA Hospital in Westwood, California. He was admitted last Saturday, January 22, 2011 due to the flu or most likely water in his lungs. He was taken to ICU as the doctors saw that he will need alot of medication to help him breathe with ease. They gave him the mask with oygen to breathe and hoping it would suffice. It did not, they needed to give him meds through his IV and use a Traech to get some air into his lungs. My aunt had to sign a paper saying they could do the procedure and sedate him heavily so the meds would kick in. It helped for a few days and we had hopes and thought all was well.
On Saturday 1-29-11, we get a call from his daughter saying that he passed away. The doctors could not resusitate him after attempting 7 times and my aunt finally told them, its OK; he's in a better place. They told her he was trying they could see it; he tried to hold on for as long as he could, but his body was tired and couldn't take it. The doctors took out the tubes and cleaned him up, then told our family that we could all go in and see him.
When i went in to see him, he looked at peace, calm and sleeping on the bed like a big old soft giant like he was. He loved my lil sister very much as she and his daughter are close cousins and friends. My mother,my sister and I sang our famous song that we sing everywhere "Lovest Thou Me." It was sweet and short and my lil sister was crying throughout the whole song, but when the chorus came, I nudged and said its chorus time. She straightened up and I could hear her struggling to sing the words and stay on tune. We sounded like angels bidding farewell to our loving uncle in preparation for him to be met by his maker and welcomed by his parents, brothers and sister above! My aunt said thank you so much and my cousin had her head on her fathers shoulder resting as a child while we sang our song. It was an emotional moment and one I'll never forget.
So many memories of my father came to mind seeing my uncle in the hospital bed laying there at peace and seeing his daughter with tears in her eyes holding onto her father knowing this would be their last embrace till the next life. I know exactly what they will go through missing the presence of their father and learning how to adjust and move on with life. It is not an easy task, but it's a MUST. I pray they will find comfort in the LORD, with family, with each other and hold dear to their hearts the memory of their father. He will truly be missed..
Ia manuia lou malaga uncle!! Love and miss you dearly!!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
" Beastly"

Beastly a lovely story or version of Beauty and the Beast. I loved how the author made this story contemporary thus setting in our modern day and time. At first, I was thinking this is probably a typical story of a young teen age boy who was probably given everything at birth; who treated everyone like crap and then he needs to get a girl to break the horrid spell. This was how the story went, but in the book Alex Flinn did a great job of describing how the main character was feeling and how he felt sorry for himself and how he longed for the warmth and company of anyone.
Kyle Kingsbury was born to parents who were more interested in themselves than in their only son. His mother left when he was young and his father was a newscast person who thought highly of his looks and everything on the news and people you saw had to have good looks. His upbringing was focused on having good looks and charm and with those characteristics you could talk your way out of anything.
Kyle was a freshman in high school and everyone and anyone knew who he was. The good looking, rich arrogant kid whose father bought him anything and spent little time with him. He was your typical spoiled brat to the fullest! His so called friends were not friends. They only hung around him because he was the rich kid in school that all the girls wanted to be with. Even the girls with no status took a fancy to Kyle..
As the story progresses he does the unthinkable and pisses off a witch and then he's turned into a Beast. His father takes him to specialist and tries to find a cure for his son turning into a beast, but to no avail noone could help him. His father hired a maid "Magda" and blind tutor "Will" to help him lead a life as an outcast only to come out of his customized house at night when noone could see him. He was a terrible, frightening looking monster. He couldn't believe the transformation. He had to find true love in 2 years and be kissed by a girl who truly loved him as a beast, then and only then would he be turned back into his lovely self.
Lindy comes into the story when her drug addicting father breaks into Kyle's house and is caught on surveillance tape breaking and entering and when he was caught by Kyle, he offered to bring his daughter as a bail in exchange for his freedom. Lindy is a smart girl in a rich school, Kyles school. She worked very hard studying and getting a scholarship to attend that rich school, but she too was an outcast and noone noticed her or even knew her by name. She was a nobody! She hated Kyle for making her stay at his house and leaving her life of reading and school. Lindy took care of her father when he got sick and she loved her father despite his selfish, drug addicted ways. Her father just offered his daughter to a total stranger so he wouldn't get turned into the police and go to jail, who does that, good gosh!
Kyle, later know as Adrian meaning darkness lived together with Lindy and they had a rough start, but they studied together, got to know each other and eventually enjoyed each others company. I think you know as well as I do that they take a fancy to each other. She finds out through his magic mirror that her dad was in trouble and sick again, so Adrian reluctantly tells her that she can leave. She can go and be with her father. Although she loves where she's at andhis happy being with Adrian, she knows she has to go back and help her father, so she leaves. Adrian is totally in love with her and realized that she is beautiful in her own way, smart, kind and most of all she liked him for who he was despite his beastly exterior. He actually loved her and wished with every fiber in his bones that she in return would love him back, but she never said it. He told her she could return to see him in the spring, but not as his prisoner, but as his friend. It was her choice! She referred to hims as friend and he wanted so much more than just to be her friend.
A fe of my parts in the book is wher Lindy left to care for her father and Adrian gave up on her coming back to see him and thus being a beast forever, he says," Without her, I have no hope, no life. I will live in misery and die alone. How loving were those words? Very loving if you ask me, what love he developed for Lindy a girl who if he were the old Kyle would have never even gave her the time of day.
I also loved the part where Lindy tells Adrian " I wanted to be with you. You told me to come back in the Spring. And I wanted to. My father was screwed up like always, and he promised to go into rehab, get a job. he idd for about a week. But then he quit. He said he didn't have to work just because I wanted him to. It was the same sort of thing he always said, but now it was different." "Why, Adian said"
Lindy replied, "Becuase I'd been with you. Before, I knew only what it was to be his daughter, to live day to day and wait for it to be over. But now I knew what it was to have someone talk to me, for with me..and ..." "Love Me?"
Another fave part of mine was when it was midnite and Adrian knew it was over and too late but he says, "I love you, Lindy", "I love you too Adrian" He says. "Then kiss me. Let me have the memory of your kiss, even if I die." "It was too late. It was too late, but she leaned forward anyway, and kissed my eyes, my cheeks, and finally my lipless mouth. I was fading away, but I tasted her, felt her. This was all I wanted. Lindy. Now I could die happy."
What a wonderul love story! I love Adrian and how truly found love and became a changed individual. A most loving creature indeed!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
"Zions Voice Last Fireside..till further notice.."
Sunday, January 23, 2011
"The Living Christ"
Oxnard, California
Tonight is the last night for Zions Voice to perform our last fireside until April or June 2011. Our choir decided that we need to take a temporary break so that members can handle family business, piano players can take a break and so we can handle whatever business we need to handle and return from our break with new attitudes and a refreshed and rejuvenated committment to the group.
Last nights fireside was wonderful! I know we say that about every fireside but maybe because this was the last fireside for awhile it just seemed like everyone gave it their all. The soloists did a great job..Tino sang " Oh Lord My Redeemer, Janet sang "Rescue Me, Randy sang "Like a Dove, and Kristian and Davey sang "Greater Love." They all did a wonderful job, everyone sang so reverently with the Spirit and you could feel The Spirit very strong last night. The whole chapel was quiet and you could sense that the congregation was enjoying the music, the words and the Spirit that was felt. It was a great farewell fireside.
Of course. I'm going to miss seeing everyone every Tuesdays, but I think we needed a break and its good to know that we will continue after the break! I think on Tuesdays, I'm going to start doing some exercising, catching up on reading and hangin out with my family.
I look forward to returning when its time and rejoining with the choir! I hope everyone enjoys this time off and comes back in ifull force.
"The Living Christ"
Oxnard, California
Tonight is the last night for Zions Voice to perform our last fireside until April or June 2011. Our choir decided that we need to take a temporary break so that members can handle family business, piano players can take a break and so we can handle whatever business we need to handle and return from our break with new attitudes and a refreshed and rejuvenated committment to the group.
Last nights fireside was wonderful! I know we say that about every fireside but maybe because this was the last fireside for awhile it just seemed like everyone gave it their all. The soloists did a great job..Tino sang " Oh Lord My Redeemer, Janet sang "Rescue Me, Randy sang "Like a Dove, and Kristian and Davey sang "Greater Love." They all did a wonderful job, everyone sang so reverently with the Spirit and you could feel The Spirit very strong last night. The whole chapel was quiet and you could sense that the congregation was enjoying the music, the words and the Spirit that was felt. It was a great farewell fireside.
Of course. I'm going to miss seeing everyone every Tuesdays, but I think we needed a break and its good to know that we will continue after the break! I think on Tuesdays, I'm going to start doing some exercising, catching up on reading and hangin out with my family.
I look forward to returning when its time and rejoining with the choir! I hope everyone enjoys this time off and comes back in ifull force.
"Misguided Angel"

This book is the continuation of the Blue Bloods Series which I enjoyed thoroughly. The book is kind of thin but its contents is PHAT indeed ha! Before I forget, from the previous books Jack and Schuyler are in LOVE and run off together to try and fulfill her destiny to find the gates to protect everyone from Hell. Oliver, Schuylers Human Familiar, loves her dearly and is obviously connected to her for the eternities, but he sees that she loves Jack and they were meant to be together. So being the good friend that he is, he reluctantly lets her go with Jack. I love me some Oliver. He may not be as good looking or posess a hot bod like Jack, but I love oliver for his dedication and loyalty to his childhood friend Schuyler. She doesn't deserve the love from both guys Jack and Oliver..I was always attracted to the underdogs and the ones that get left out in the cold..Thas just me..Mimi and Jack Fore "the twins" are suppose to be bonded, but Jacks love for Schuyler is stronger than his bod with Mimi Force; therefore he leaves with Schuyler.
Misguided angel was kind of slow in the beginning but as I read the chapters were getting better and better and I found myself anxious to see what happens. Jack and Schuyler are together in Florence looking for the gate keeper, or the gates to fulfill her destiny and complete the Van Allen Legacy. There are different characters that come into play but you are atill able to follow the story.
Oliver and Mimi get together and work as a team trying to figure out who has killed 2 Blue Bloods. Oliver never really liked Mimi, but as the story progresses Mimi and Oliver kind of develop a nice working relationship. I have my own wishes for the book. I hope that Mimi and Oliver kind of end up together. You figure they were both dumped by the ones they loved, they are both left in limbo wondering where their lovd ones are and Mimi feels the worst since Jack left her and Kingsley has died or is in the underworld protecting everyone from Lucifer. So hopefully Oliver and Mimi join forces as a team and find love for each other, who knows it could happen (fingers crossed).
Another character comes into play in the book Deming Chen from China. She is a twin and was called upon by Mimi to help crack the case on who killed the 2 Blue Bloods. Deming is known for her record of tracking her suspects so Mimi wants her to help! Deming indeed does a good job of trying to find the killer but it's not an easy task as she goes through many suspects and interrogates them. Just when you think she found the killer some more information pops up and you're on the whirl again thinking of who could have killed the Blue Bloods..enjoyable indeed.
Anxiously awaiting for the next book, but like my friend Kia, she gets tired of waiting and waiting for the next book to follow. I hope the next one comes quickly! Misguided Angel is a good read and I was very happy to read other characters come into the story. If you've read the other books, you gotta read this one..
Saturday, January 22, 2011
'10 Things I Lovev About You"

I enjoyed Sebastian Grey's story in this book. I love how this story ties in with Harry's story in "What Happens in London" by Julia Quinn. A very cute story of how Seb falls in love with Annabel Winslow a county girl who comes to London to live with her aunt in preparations to marry Lord Newbury. This marriage was arranged by her grandparents to secure the well being of her family. Annabel is the oldest of 8 siblings. Her brothers are in school, her house is being run by her mother and they had to let go of their governess. It's up to Annabel to helpe her family by marrying Lord Newbury who is twive her age. He is an old man desperately seeking a wife to produce an heir in order to inherit the familys fortune. If Newbury does not produce an heir or if he die,s then his nephew Sebastian Grey will inherit everything. Newbury and Sebastian have hated each other since Sebastian was a young lad. When his father passed away Newbury took care of Seb paying for his schooling and then sending him to the Army. These two men despised each other. Sebastian is a young man who is not really concerned about the familys fortune. He is young, vibrant and is known for having affairs with married women in London who have married young and are quite frankly tired of their old husbands or tired of the daily life in London. Seb merely spends time with these women, doesn't really love them but uses them for his physical and lustful gain. He is out for fun and loyal to none as I would say..
Annabel cannot stand the sight of Lord Newbury and the thought of her marrying him makes her so uncomfortable and she thinks to herself what about the welfare of my family. Such a hard decision for a young woman, but her grandparents are arranging for her to marry Newbury. She met him at a ball and everyone in London knows that he's soon to marry Annabel with her bodily curves, full bust and milky skin. They meet and he pulls Annabel aside and practically violates her right there. In desperation she pushes him away and runs into the garden her breathing ever so heavy. She is beside herself and terrified of the man. He just wanted to lay his filthy paws all over her..UGH not the business, dirty ole fart..haha..She backs up and bumps into Sebastian. He was in the heath waiting for one of the married ladies and he is indeed a gentleman to her. She was uncofortable at first but then warms up to him and his kindness. They speak to each other and she returns to the party and doesn't know his name, only that he's handsome and was a gentleman.
The story continues and Newbury and Sebastian have an exchange of words over Annabel. They finally meet again and Sebastian and Annabel are introduced formally. We find out in the stroy that Sebastian Grey is the author of all the Sarah Gorely books. He uses a pen name to sell all his books which are a hit in London and in Russia.
Seb is known for keeping his cool and has been put down and demeaned by his uncle all his life but when Newbury calls Annabel a whore in front of everyone, Seb looses his cool and attacks Newbury. He lost all control and had Newbury by his throat demanding that he apologize to Annabel, Newbury did not even budge to attempt to apologize. Newbury had too much pride to do anything Seb demanded of him. Seb would not let go of his uncle until he apologized, but his uncle still refused to do so. Annabel seeing this stepped forward and told Seb its ok, he knows that she is not a whore and she knows she is not and that is all that matters. From this act, we see that Seb loves Annabel..
This was a very cute story of how Sebastian Grey the towns pimp daddy finally finds a woman he can love for the rest of his life. He has found the one woman who he can see himself waking up to every morning, and who he can devote his life to and make her happy everyday of her life. He tells her he loves her over and over and finds a sense of peace knowing that Annabel loves him in return. He tells her, I love you and I just know.
I enjoyed Sebastians story and I love how the characters from Harrys Story are in this book. I do know that I will continue to read Julia Quinn's novels and I am a big fan of Historic Romance Novels.
A good read indeed.
"10 Things I Love About You"

This was a lovely story of Sebastian Grey a bachelor who would soon inherit a little fortune if his dear uncle died or could not bear an heir. Sebastian Grey is a young bachelor out on the town to get his kicks and not settle down with any one woman for the time being. He has a fine way of using words when speaking to others or belittling them like when speaking to his uncle and is a good narrator being that he is an author but uses a pen name of Sarah Gorely. He meets Annabell Winslow a country girl staying with her grandmother to find a husband so that her family would be secured with education, finances and a home to live in.
What pressure that must have been on the young ladies back in those days to prepare themselves to wed a man probably twice her age to secure the well being of her family. In these times, love was not the only factor in a relationship. I would say Love didn't matter in some instances where young ladies were pre-arranged to marry older men, how terrible!
Sebastian's uncle Lord Newbury was out and looking for a young wife to produce an heir so that he could inherit the fortune. He had his eye set on Annabel Winslow. She loathed him. At one of the balls Lord Newbury practically violated Annabel. She was a young girl, lovely, with big birthing hips and a bust that caught every mans attention. She did not want to marry Lord Newbury, he did not respect her and tried to rip her clothes off at the ball, what a jerkface! She ran out of the ball and through the bushes as she backed up she bumped into Sebastian Grey who was laying on a blanket awaiting one of his playmates. Her heart was racing as she fled the side of Lord newbury. She spoke with Sebastian Grey who was a fine gentleman but was known for seducing and sleeping around with the married women in town. He respected her and found that he was quite interested in conversation with her. They did not exchange names at first and she thought to herself, what are the chances that she would see him again as she herself admired him. He was an attractive and polite gentleman.
Annabel being a country girl doesn't exactly know the rules of living with her aunt and so she gets herself into some trouble. She cannot stand the site of Lord Newbury after he tried to have his way with her. Her stomach churns at the site and mention of him. She goes the Opera and Sebastian was also invited to attend. The whole evening she and Sebastian were talking and carrying on all nite and so there went the gossip in London. Things got twisted and word was spread that Annabel was being fancied by Sebastian and Lord Newbury was disgusted and did not take any interest in her for the time being. Her reputation was going downhill and at the same time the men in town were all flocking to her house to court her. If Lord Newbury did not want to have her then her family would lose their house, her siblings would have to return home from school and they would lose everything. It was her only hope to save her family by marrying Lord Newbury, "the old fart" is what I call him haha!
To stop all the gossip the right thing to do was for Sebastian to court her and put on a show for the town, but little did anyone know that Sebastian and Annabel did have feelings for each other when they were together. Her body trembled and his sotmach would turn when they caught each others eyes and they could both feel the intensity in body language when together.
Towards the end of the book Sebastian tells Annabel that he loves her over and over again. Annabel tells Sebastian that she always has cold hands and feet and he tells her, "I vow to spend the rest of my life keeping your hands and feet warm". He tells her that he knows its right for him to be with her and is lost in words, which is not like him as he always has something to say when speaking being that he is a writer but when he talks to Annabel he is at a lost and tells her I love you because "I just know." He realizes that some things need not be said in so many words but left to be sweet and simple!
A very cute story of how a man who is the towns pimp daddy has finally found someone to love and settle down with. He has finally found his one true love whom he chooses to spend the rest of his life with, to wake up by her side, to dedicate his life to making her happy everyday. Enjoyed this book very much and I'm quite the fan of Julia Quinn and Historical Romance Novels.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Reading again..YEA ME!!
So its Wednesday, January 12, 2011 and I started reading "10 Things I love about you" by Julia Quinn and I'm still in the beginning chapters but its getting good. I'm sure the plot will be great. I was telling Wena how I love when the books come together and are connected. I read "What happens in London" by Julia Quinn which told of Harry, Sebastians cousin and this book is about Sebastian and according to Wena she loved it, so I know I'm gonna enjoy it as well. All the books I've read thus far are arerecommended by her so I know its all good in the hood!
I also just got "Misguided Angel" which is the 4th or 5th book for the Series Blue Bloods which I loved as well. I read the first chapter and its taking me a little while to recall what happened in the other books but its all coming back to me. I think I'm gonna read some more of Misguided Angel tonite and then resume with Sebastians story tomorrow. I love it reading 2 books is beyond me. Since I'm not so new in the reading game now, I hope not to confuse all the characters in each book so good luck to me. But I think I'll be okay with these 2 books since Sebastians story is in the British setting about love and what not and Misguided Angel is also about love but with vampires as well, the Blue Bloods, the Silver Bloods aww goodness again.
Alritey so off I go to read and enjoy my nite...Good nite all..
I also just got "Misguided Angel" which is the 4th or 5th book for the Series Blue Bloods which I loved as well. I read the first chapter and its taking me a little while to recall what happened in the other books but its all coming back to me. I think I'm gonna read some more of Misguided Angel tonite and then resume with Sebastians story tomorrow. I love it reading 2 books is beyond me. Since I'm not so new in the reading game now, I hope not to confuse all the characters in each book so good luck to me. But I think I'll be okay with these 2 books since Sebastians story is in the British setting about love and what not and Misguided Angel is also about love but with vampires as well, the Blue Bloods, the Silver Bloods aww goodness again.
Alritey so off I go to read and enjoy my nite...Good nite all..
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This book got me back and at it again with my reading for the Year 2011. I like to say I got my reading MOJO back haha..It left me for a few months last year. I really enjoy Racel Gibsons books and I've read a few of them.
This time around I 'm just gonna share a few of my favorite events in the book and and a few of favorite quotes that were said. It seems that I sure do give alot of info away after reading books, but I love it because when I go back to read what I wrote, I totally remember everything that went on but I'll try my best to keep it at a minumum haha good luck.
So a brief background about the book. Loch Hennessy is married to Rose Hennessy and live in a small town called Truly. They've been married for years and Loch is a dark haired blue eyed man who has had many affairs while married to Rose. She endures the affairs for years and Loch never leaves her. Loch has an affair with young Alice Jones, 24 year old waitress, who works for him ,at his bar; she has a young 5 year old daughter (Madeline Jones). So Rose can't take the affairs anymore and she shoots and murders Loch Hennessy (her husband) and Alice Jones (the mistress) then Rose kills herself. Very sad story..Loch and Rose left behind a daughter (Meg-10 yrs old) and a son (Mick 5 or 7 yrs old).
One of my favorite parts in the book is when Maddie comes into town to write a book about what happened to the Hennessys,but her real reason was to find out what happened to her mom with the whole affair and to find answers to her childhood and so forth. She comes into town and walks into the bar where Mick is working and they are totally attracted to each other and they can both sense it. I kind of miss that feeling, haven't felt it in years haha, I'm just saying..
Maddie and Mick develop a relatioship and really enjoy each others company amongst other things like when they are in each others face they can't help but let their senses lose control and do what comes natural..a little too much of that, but their relationship was not predicated on the physical attraction alone, they genuinely enjoyed each others company and getting to know each other.. Well each time Maddie would try to tell Mick who she really was, she knew if she did she would lose Mick and he would be so angry at her, but she wanted to be with Mick just a little longer in his presence, and loving him..She ended up falling in love with Mick which is something she had in her Book of Rules that she was not suppose to love anyone being that her childhood she was not really loved by her aunty who took care of her after her mothers death.
I really admired Maddie because although she didn't tell Mick upfront who she was, in the end she really let him know how she felt. She told him finally who she was and she expected Mick to be andgry but he said he was DISGUSTED with her..Now that is a low blow! I think it took some major courage to tell him, I mean she could've held that information from him until he found out on his own, but her feelings for him changed and she loved him, so she did the right thing by telling him that she was indeed Madeline Jones, the daughter of the waitress who was killed by Micks mother..He acted like a typical jerk and said horrible things to her and she let him but then when he down talked her mom, Maddie was livid and shot back at him and told him a few things on her mind and asked him to leave her house..
She saw him a week later and I love what she told him. He said something like I don't even know who you are, and Maddie replied, you know me Mick, you just can't handle who I am! That was good stuff right there. She decided to complete the book which Mick and Meg hated that Maddie was there to dig up all the old bad stuff, but she gave the only copy to Mick and the disk and asked him to read it for himself. She didn't care if he threw it away or burned it, she figured he deserved that much to read it and do with it what he wished.
But before that, what Maddie told Mick was so heartwarming and I really appreciated it. Just shows her personality and her love for Mick.
This is what she said, "I've thought about what I've done since I moved to Truly, and I'm sorry that I hurt you, Mick. but I'm not sorry that I met you and fell in love with you. Loving you has broken my heart and caused me pain, but it made me a better person. I love you, Mick, and I hope that someday you find someone you can love. You deserve more in life than a string of women you don't really care about and who don't care all that much for you. Loving you taught me that. It taught me how it feels to love a man, and I hope that someday I can find someone who will love me the way that you can't. Because I deserve more than a string of men who don't really care about me.
Ok, was that not the most loving thing I heard of so far in 2011.. I love what she told him and she was speaking from the heart..Good gosh, 2 thumbs up're the bestest thus far! I'm gonna end right there.. Alot of events take place in the book and its definitely gonna be a happy ending so find out..Oh and by the way, Mick Hennessy is hot, hot, hot...luv ya Maddie! The End..
2011 Its a NEW YEAR and time to BLOG IT!
January 11, 2011
Its about that time to get crakin and start to blog again. I haven't been bloggin lately and this year I need to step it up ladies and gentlemen and get to it! Lots of new resolutions and goals to accomplish this year and gonna name a few hmm..1) Lose weight, like always, 2) Pray more 3) Get mad, get over it and move on 4) Get it in gear and make it happen 5) Travel when the opportunity arises and no looking back 6) Read more books than last year 7) Be on time or early to work- so far so good 8) leave my savings account alone- DO NOT TOUCH!
There are many other goals I have but for right now these are the ones that I can think of so here we go..
Its about that time to get crakin and start to blog again. I haven't been bloggin lately and this year I need to step it up ladies and gentlemen and get to it! Lots of new resolutions and goals to accomplish this year and gonna name a few hmm..1) Lose weight, like always, 2) Pray more 3) Get mad, get over it and move on 4) Get it in gear and make it happen 5) Travel when the opportunity arises and no looking back 6) Read more books than last year 7) Be on time or early to work- so far so good 8) leave my savings account alone- DO NOT TOUCH!
There are many other goals I have but for right now these are the ones that I can think of so here we go..
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