This was a lovely story of Sebastian Grey a bachelor who would soon inherit a little fortune if his dear uncle died or could not bear an heir. Sebastian Grey is a young bachelor out on the town to get his kicks and not settle down with any one woman for the time being. He has a fine way of using words when speaking to others or belittling them like when speaking to his uncle and is a good narrator being that he is an author but uses a pen name of Sarah Gorely. He meets Annabell Winslow a country girl staying with her grandmother to find a husband so that her family would be secured with education, finances and a home to live in.
What pressure that must have been on the young ladies back in those days to prepare themselves to wed a man probably twice her age to secure the well being of her family. In these times, love was not the only factor in a relationship. I would say Love didn't matter in some instances where young ladies were pre-arranged to marry older men, how terrible!
Sebastian's uncle Lord Newbury was out and looking for a young wife to produce an heir so that he could inherit the fortune. He had his eye set on Annabel Winslow. She loathed him. At one of the balls Lord Newbury practically violated Annabel. She was a young girl, lovely, with big birthing hips and a bust that caught every mans attention. She did not want to marry Lord Newbury, he did not respect her and tried to rip her clothes off at the ball, what a jerkface! She ran out of the ball and through the bushes as she backed up she bumped into Sebastian Grey who was laying on a blanket awaiting one of his playmates. Her heart was racing as she fled the side of Lord newbury. She spoke with Sebastian Grey who was a fine gentleman but was known for seducing and sleeping around with the married women in town. He respected her and found that he was quite interested in conversation with her. They did not exchange names at first and she thought to herself, what are the chances that she would see him again as she herself admired him. He was an attractive and polite gentleman.
Annabel being a country girl doesn't exactly know the rules of living with her aunt and so she gets herself into some trouble. She cannot stand the site of Lord Newbury after he tried to have his way with her. Her stomach churns at the site and mention of him. She goes the Opera and Sebastian was also invited to attend. The whole evening she and Sebastian were talking and carrying on all nite and so there went the gossip in London. Things got twisted and word was spread that Annabel was being fancied by Sebastian and Lord Newbury was disgusted and did not take any interest in her for the time being. Her reputation was going downhill and at the same time the men in town were all flocking to her house to court her. If Lord Newbury did not want to have her then her family would lose their house, her siblings would have to return home from school and they would lose everything. It was her only hope to save her family by marrying Lord Newbury, "the old fart" is what I call him haha!
To stop all the gossip the right thing to do was for Sebastian to court her and put on a show for the town, but little did anyone know that Sebastian and Annabel did have feelings for each other when they were together. Her body trembled and his sotmach would turn when they caught each others eyes and they could both feel the intensity in body language when together.
Towards the end of the book Sebastian tells Annabel that he loves her over and over again. Annabel tells Sebastian that she always has cold hands and feet and he tells her, "I vow to spend the rest of my life keeping your hands and feet warm". He tells her that he knows its right for him to be with her and is lost in words, which is not like him as he always has something to say when speaking being that he is a writer but when he talks to Annabel he is at a lost and tells her I love you because "I just know." He realizes that some things need not be said in so many words but left to be sweet and simple!
A very cute story of how a man who is the towns pimp daddy has finally found someone to love and settle down with. He has finally found his one true love whom he chooses to spend the rest of his life with, to wake up by her side, to dedicate his life to making her happy everyday. Enjoyed this book very much and I'm quite the fan of Julia Quinn and Historical Romance Novels.
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