Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So i'm coasting along just living it up one day at a time and I get a call from one of my cousins who wishes me a happy belated birthday! I say, thank you girl- you know how it is, getting older and still ROCKIN IT- LOL! So she tells me she's sending a birthday card, and i'm like sure thing- thanks! I really appreciate it. Then she tells me no, I want to give you a little something to celebrate your birthday- so check the mail. So I'm telling her via Facebook, cuz we're messaging now- I say, hope he has a bow around his neck with a smile, and she jokingly says, sorry - there's no bow around his nose, but I'll keep on looking for ya! Buahah we know how to have a good laugh!

So I'm thinking to myself, self, why is cousin so adamant about sending you a little good fortune, its all good, but in my mind, I'm saying- I sure could use a little suh um suh um to get me by till the next pay day- of couse I dont' tell her, but its like she's reading my mind.

Then she calls again today and tells me, well I don't really trust the mail with funds, so I'll put it directly to your account. I'm thinking umm thanks cousin, but the mail is probably way safer than my account. That mug might be in OVERDRAFT a word I am way too familiar with these days ugh! So I'm telling her, just mail it, its all good in the hood- lol! She's still kind of iffy, then I get a call back- ok its all ready to go. Go to Western Union and get yo man with the bow wrapped around his neck, his name is Washington or Jackson or watever the dead presidents name is..haha! I"m thinking to myself, can she read my mind, does she know that I'm borrowing from my little sister just to survive until payday?

 Whatever the case may be, I say its another blessing from above. She was not giving up on sending me the birthday funds and for that I'm most grateful! Thank you cousin for thinking about me on my birthday- because it truly came "Right in the nick of time."
Its always good to know even though we don't talk everyday and we don't Facebook all the time, but we know how we are- and it goes without words- but a word here and there is very beneficial to the mind and spirit! Thanks again cousin for the gesture of LOVE! Like I tell my siblings, "ESE LE FAIGAKA O LE ALOFA"..Thanks again love ya!! You rock...O le ma'a..lol!

1 comment:

Rowena said...

That's nice of your cousin. A little something to hold us over to the next payday is always a blessing. Love family!