Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Speech Festival"

Thursday, October 24, 2012- we had a speech festival at church. Teens agers ages 12-17years old were sharing their speeches. It was a good day to learn a few things from the speeches prepared that night.
 A few things I came away with that night were: "Language", be careful with your language, if others are using profanity around you, you can simply let them know it makes you uncomfortable and if they could try and refrain from using it when you're around, you would appreciate it. A no cuzzing club was developed by one boy in his school and that soon turned into thousands of members and other schools decided to start their own no cuzzing club.  Another topic was: "FAMILY". You gotta live with them and you can't get away from them, so why not make the best of it. Families are like fudge, they are sweet with nuts. Of course, we all have a few nuts in our families, but thats what makes all of our families unique. If we were all the same, without nuts, what a boring family life we would have. Topic: "Divine Nature" - Be glad you're you. Stop trying to be like her or him. "JUST BE YOU, EVERYONE ELSE IS TAKEN."  I like that saying presented by a young woman. You are you for a reason, so don't play copy cat and act like others just be YOU. Topic: "Service" - its not the big things you do that are always considered service, its those little simple acts of service - helping a teacher with her books to class, helping a fellow student on a test or a question in class- saying hello to people you don't know- a smile can go a long way. "When you are in the service of your fellow being, ye are only in the service of your GOD."
Alot of good topics being covered that night, and I was filled with a greater appreciation for self-worth, service, and trying to be a better Me. A good night!

1 comment:

Rowena said...

I'm still wondering if Beth ever sent that thank you card for the awning. LOL.