Monday, June 20, 2011

Chicago: A Hawthorne High School Production.

The musical “Chicago” was performed by the students at Hawthorne High School this past weekend, June 17-19, 2011. They performed at Lawndale High Schools New State of the Art Theater, which is really a beautiful building.

So I went on Saturday night, June 18, 2011, to watch my cousin Shannen perform. Her role was Momma which was played by Queen Latifah in the original movie. She did a great job singing and acting. She really gets into her character as Momma and even has the accent.

So we’re sting there, my family watching, the lights are dark, then bam, the spotlights turn on and we hear her singing in the aisle. I was like holy goodness, she was just singing her song and waving her boa around like nobodys business. Then she walked to the other side of the aisles and sang her song, it was very nice! We were surprised to see her get into character and not pay attention to anyone but her and her part in the play. I enjoyed it. For a high school production, I think the students did very well. Good job Shannen!

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