These are my first cousins from Fresno and Vackaville, CA. We all grew up together in good old CALIFOR-NI-A! You know it babee! We have alot of history together and they are like out sisters. I'll let ya'll figure out who are siblings and who are the First COusins, ha shouldn't be that hard, I'll give you a hint look at the volume of the person hehe just kidding I love my siblings to the death.
Through thick and thin we all manage to get along and love to talk about how we all grew up together and just basically had FUN with what we had. We didn't have fancy clothes or toys just made do with what was provided for us back in the day. Love the memories of being together in church, sleep overs and I might add our frst cousins house is the only place where we were allowed to sleep over,family rules! Enjoyed our childhood indeed.
After all these years, we are still close and try to see each other for the holidays. Everyone has their own families except for my older sister and I, still holding on to eternity when that lucky son of a bitc* walks into our lives and takes us away haha! Ne-ways, never the less we are all connected in the circle of family and first cousins love for one another..Gotta love families!
Our fathers have both passed on to the other side and so we all realize and understand that missing part in our lives without the HEAD of our families along side us, but we understand they are both watching over us and guiding us through this life. We miss and love them dearly..
RIP Tupai'i Barry Lavea and Mesepa Talanoa. Always and forever in our hearts!
I pray that our families will continue to love one another and aways find the time for each other to spend those holidays together..
Love my First Cousins always :) Good times will never be forgotten.
Love ya like my own sistaz!!
Don't you just love family? I do. They're the very thing that keeps me happy!
Your father was one of my favorite Dads in the ward, he'll always be remembered and missed!
Aww thanks Wena. My dad was a quiet man like your dad. Miss him like crazee! Sometimes I forget he's gone but coming home to where he use to always sit at the table just reminds me he's gone..Thank goodness for the Plan of Salvation I know all this stuff..
Omg not the first cousins club =] I am touched by the wonderful things that you said, you're an amazing young lady and one day that son of a b***** is gonna get it for taking so long lol...I'm lovin it!!!!
Hey there Red..thanks! I love you guys and I"m always happy and loving it when we're all together!
Good times, noone has history like we all do ya know..And look we still juntos para simpre.."Togehter Forever"
Luv ya cousin!!
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