Gary Spatz, "THE PLAYGROUND", school of acting for young actors and actresses. August 15, 2010 was my first time taking my cousin Shannen to her acting class located in Santa Monica, CA and it was a nice place. There were so many kids there with their parents just waiting for their classes to begin. Gary, the owner, gave me and my uncle a tour of the studio; very nice.
The Westfield Outdoor Mall is right next door to the Studio so its an easy peasy little walk out the backdoor and window shopping from then on. My cousin and her husband showed me around as I will be taking my cousin to her classes and I had a great time.
They have a few of my favorite stores: Borders being the one that I know I will probably spend most of my time in reading, Pinkberry, I love the ORIGINAL YOGURT with Mango and Raspberry toppings, and the COACH Store, but I doubt I'll buy anything in there same as Bloomingdales, major window shopping there ha!
Its a different environment and lots and lots of EYE CANDY, we're talkin palagiz, latinos and other origins SWEET!
My other option is to stay in the studio and go in one of the managers office and just read, which I think is probably gonna be what I'll be doing when I don't want to take that little stroll around the mall by myself. It was my first time in the Westfield Mall and I enjoyed the atmosphere and loved the ambiance haha!
So it was a nice experience and look forward to going every week, just to take a breather and a break away from home..
Good luck to my cousin Shannen and her acting classes. Let's hope she gets discovered HOORAY!!
Ooh Pinkberry with fresh raspberries and mangoes is heaven to me!
Hey - thanks for the great comments about The Playground. We're always happy when someone has something nice to say about us!
Let's you're welcome. I was very impressed with everything that I saw. The laid back environment, listening to all the kids have a good time with their acting teachers and a fun place to be. It didnt' seem like anyone was forced to be there..
Ne-ways, :THE PLAYGROUND" gets a thumbs up from me!!!
Wow I love your blog Haven, you go girl and I'm glad you enjoyed the experience, I miss that atmosphere already. Have fun shopping and reading and an occassional eye candy browsing lol.
Thanks Red Hibiscus I look forward to going and gettn away from everyone haha! Some "ME TME" is what I call it while shanny is in class..
Thanks for stopping by my blog. My friend Wena is behind it all, she's the bomb.com!
Well thank you Wena, I totally had to get a google account thing jus to comment anywho I better read a book or two so I could visit your blog for updates. Thanks for the love and the memories =]
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