So I'm now an offcial GLEEK MEMBER. I know alot of people havebeen asking me if I watch GLEE and I always reply, no time. But, what a fool I've been for so may months. My friends thought that I would be one of the first people to watch it since I love music and sing myself, but NO I had to be a dummy and not watch.
So one weekend I'm at my cousin Mikes house and he plays GLEE and I'm watching and I love it. I love all the music they sing, the choreography is cool too. I love Rachels voice, she can blow~ I love Finn and his issues with Quinn and his cool attitide and he needs to fall in love with Rachel already; F Quinn her and Puck need to figure out what they're gonna do. Kurts voice is very on high tenor, but boy does he play his character to a tee. Artie, I like his voice and he's so blunt and straight forward craks me up. OK, nowthe teacher..Major CRUSH on him big time. He's so HOT in his own way!~I wish I were singing "Endless Love" with him on that episode and he wouldn't have no chance of running around the piano with me..haha! I love his voice and character and he needs to dump his wife Terri, who pretends a pregnancy, just wrong, dump her already! Sue the Cheerio coach, hate her but I guess they need a villain in every tv series UGH!~Mercedes the girl can sing, no doubt about it. THe other characters I'm not too familiar with but as soon as I purchase the first season, I'm sure I will be more familiar with all of their characters.
So my take on GLEE, Love it and highly recommend it to anyone who loves music and a good tv series..New Season starts September 21, 2010. Don't miss it~
I freaking love Glee and I'm so glad that you're a Gleek now too. I got Mulu hooked on this show so bad that she took my DVD's with her to Utah! LOL.
This show is great and you should totally watch it from the beginning, you'll laugh your tail off this show is that funny.
Woo hoo, it comes back soon, I can't wait!
Hahaaaaaa I am so your GLEEK brother yayyyy!!! Well this week Mr.Shoe divorced Terry and Ken Tanaka broke it off with Mrs.Pillsbury. And then Finn finds out about the baby being Quin and Puck's and he drops outta Glee.. Mr.Shoe gets disqualified from Sectionals so Mrs.P volunteers to take the kids. Sue Sylvester gives out the set list to the competing schools, so they steal all of McKinley's numbers. So Mrs.P calls Mr.Shoe and Mr.Shoe goes and gets Finn and convinces him to go help out. Finn humbly comes to the rescue and with the help of Rachel's broadway solo ballad, they WIN SECTIONALS YAYYY!!! Then, Sue Sylvester gets suspended for what she did and Mr.Shoe and Mr.P start dating.. And when Terri has an exchange of words with Mrs.P, she decides to take things slower with Mr.Shoe because it's obvious that he needs time to sort things out. Sue Sylvester blackmale's principal Figgins and gets back into the school, then unleashes Brittney and Santana to draw Finn away from Rachel, in the hopes that Rachel would become so broken hearted that she left school. So then, Finn breaks up with Rachel and she ends up falling in love with the leader from Vocal Adrenaline (biggest competition) Jesse St.James. And because of this, the rest of the club wants to kick Rachel out because they think that her relationship with Jesse St.James is gonna affect Regionals. They think Jesse St.James is a spy. But, Rachel decides to tell everyone she left Jesse St.James and then secretly dates him behind doors. The last scene is a performance "Hello Goodbye" orginally performed by the Beatles.. ===AND THAT'S WHAT YOU MISSED ON.... GLEEEEE===
Wow thanks for the update Mike, I so need to come and watch all that goodness, sounds great!
Yes GLEE is the bomb.com and two thumbs up! I love the teacher and every nite before I sleep, I play Endless Love and then sing Rachels part and then think that instead of walking around the piano, we would be on top of the piano singing to each other with the tip glass there also haha. And Im tellig the poor piano player take it slower would ya! haha..LOVE ME SOME GLEE!
How awesome was Rachel's broadway solo? I mean seriously, the girl has got some pipes on her because she blew that song up! I didn't even know what the heck song that was until she sang it and then I freaking loved it!
I'm still trippin' that Finn actually thought he was the father without ever doing the nasty with Quinn.
Then the whole Puck thing, it's hard to stay mad at Puck for long because he's just so freaking hawt! I just look at his mohawk and forgot that he did his friend dirty.
Ugh, I'm mad that Rachel moved on so quickly after Finn broke up with her. They're supposed to be together dangit and though I would have liked them to last a little longer, I'm still kind of mad that Rachel and Puck's relationship didn't last that long either. I want Rachel to be with everyone...kind of like Hoey Zoey, haha.
Thats what I thought Wena. I heard Finn say something like, but we didn't even have sex in one episode, what the F! He obviously wasn't paying attention in his Sex Ed class good gosh!
True dat Puck is hot, a real stud muffin. He falls into the category of hot latinos with Adam Rodriguez and Jay Hernandez..rico suave!!
Rachel sure does move fast, I wasn't expecting her to move that quick since she's liked Finn for so long, go Rach...she ws like NEXT..haha!
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