Monday, June 28, 2010


Saturday, June 26, 2010

It was a good day. Well it started out kind of rough. Went to drop off my sister, mom, aunt and cousin to Hollywood, we were running late and I was suppose to go with them and take the whole tour of Hollywood on the bus but I had prior plans so had to drop them off which in turn made me late to my function, but all good.
So I made it my good friend MUSHU's Bridal Showere which was very nice, simple and meaningful. We were suppose to have Male Stippers but that didn't work out haha! She got a lot of nice gifts, the cupcales, chocolate covered pretzels were Delish, the Bath and Body Work Gifts were really nice, thanks for the hand soap (Clean Linen)..
She got alot of nice gifts alot which included lots of towels, so either she likes towels, loses them or just was lucky to get alot of them. No paper towels needed in her house for a long time haha!

So after the shower and made a few stops went to Dennys with the gurls. Had lots of fun, it was so nice to just relax, laugh and talk story and get the news that MUSHU was now preparing to leave to live in UTAH, like whoa! I'm happy for her indeed! I guess after the wedding, its Honey Moon time, you know make the earth move, become a WOMAN, play the jams from Marvin Gaye and some other favorites I wont go into detail with.,.Okay MORNING RIDE IT IS!

Ne-ways, we had a good time, I know I did. I woke up the next morning wondering, why in the heck are my stomache muscles hurting (didn't know I had those ha!) and I realized that I was laughing some much the nite before thus exercising those muscles which have been in hibernation for much too long hehe! But we ate, we talked about good old times, about new times and about the wedding and things of that nature. Then the clean up waiter came by and just started speaking espanol to me and I was like okie dokie bring it on senor, luckily I do speak espanol thanks to the mish in Argentina. I was telling him my friend was getting married to a guy from Peru the other one to a mexican guy, the other to an Enlish man and me to an Argentine man.,and he was like oh okay, then he started talking so fast and said well its okay peru didn't even have a qualifying team in the World Cup, I was like yea thats right, but he spoke so fast his words just blew right by me then he had to speak slower and I thought I was like mentally challenged for a minute ha!

Ne-ways the nite was a good one filled with good laughs with good friends and if we don't get to go out again before MUSHU leaves to start her journey with her eternal mate then I'm glad we were able to get together one last time..GOOD TIMES!
All the good laughs over our food and dipping fries in our Ranch with BBQ Sauce..Luv it!

1 comment:

Rowena said...

Hey you!

It was so much fun to get out there and chop it up with you gals. We don't do enough of that anymore. We need to get on that and make it happen more often. So much fun!

My favorite gift that Mulu got was her honeymoon emergency gift..that was a hoot!