Saturday, July 02, 2011


Last month I'm eating cheese pizza with spinach with my cousin Mike in Westwood and everything is going well. At like 4:00am, I feel this sharp pain in my stomach and I'm thinking oh no here comes the pizza and sure enough the pizza came, for 3 hours straight; not a good feeling.
So I'm thinking maybe I'm Lactose, but then is being lactose that severe in pain. I went to Urgent Care and was told I had food poisoning and thats what I thought as well, but my cousin Mike didn't have any problems with the pizza.

Hmm so a few weeks later I'm eating fried zucchini from my favorite local hamburger joint "FABULOUS" and the same thing happens at 4:00am, sharp pains and that queasy unnerving feeling all day. So its now Fathers Day and we go to eat at "Lucille's BBQ" and it was great, but yet I'm still feeling queasy.

I said enough is enough and set up an appointment on Thursday with the doctor and the whole time I'm not feeling good at all, just trying to make it to Thursday. I get to the doctor take some tests and BAM, she sends me to the Emergency where they took some tests and found out that I had Gall Bladder Stones; so not kool! I'm just glad they found out what was wrong with me.

Pain from the gall bladder is NO JOKE! When i first felt the pain in May, I was bent over with my hands on my stomach just swaying back and forth in hopes that the pain would subdue but no luck. The doctor gave me some pills to ease the nausea and pain but eventually the pain came back because of the greasy foods I was eating..

I went to the Emergency on Thursday and was admitted, I"m like what the heck is going on. So more tests were done and one stone was removed that was not in my gall bladder, it was like moving around doing its own thing and dancing around causing me pain ugh! So I left the hospital on Sunday and was glad to be home.

I will have my gall bladder removed at the end of the month; thank goodness! I have to watch what I eat, no greasy, fatty foods at all, and by golly geez I'm gonna be obedient because the pain I felt was not the business and I don't ever want to feel that pain again! I'll be on a strict diet until the doctor removes my gall bladder and even after the surgery I'm still gonna watch and be careful of what I eat..So all the good foods that I generally love, here's saying Bye Bye!

So gotta be conscious of what we put in our bodies, and try to eat better and healthier. I mean a little endulging is OK, but gotta pump the brakes when its too much! Self control and portion control and no fatty, greasy foods for me!

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