Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"FIJI" Sings the National Anthem - 10-28-12

On October 28, 2012 "FIJI" the Polynesian Island Reggae Artist was honored to sing the National Anthem at the beginning of the Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Washington Redskins game at the Hines Stadium in Pittsburgh. What a great opporunity for one of our own, a Poly brother at heart and blood to sing in front of millions of viewers. He is a very talented singer, entertainer and composer who has appeared as a guest artist for hundreds of other polynesian artists who are trying to make it in the music industry. He is indeed a man of many musical talents with a personality and heart that is most welcoming and heartfelt. He is not proud or boastful; he is GRATEFUL and APPRECIAIVE of the musical talents he's been blessed with. His style is pure island reggae with a touch of his own FIJIAN ROOT CHANTS. When one listens to the chants, you can't help but be mesmerized by the melodic rhythms, the authentic sounds of the island in acapella form. Each chant has a significant meaning to the different tribes and traditions which are still upheld in his homeland of FIJI.
He has been in the business for 20 years, and yup you better believe he knows his stuff, because if he didn't, he would have been done a long time ago.
 I've had the opportunity to know this man on a personal level and he is indeed a man of RESPECT of CULTURE, of PURE GOD GIVEN TALENT, COMMITTED TO HIS MUSIC, LOVES FAMILY, EMBRACES OPPORTUNITIES TO SING WITH OTHERS, SHARES HIS MUSICAL TALENTS WITH OTHERS- WILLINGLY, AND MOST OF ALL IS A GOD FEARING INDIVIDUAL! This is what I see when I'm in the presence of this man! For to see one person for his outward appearance, is just an inkling of what lies beneath. When you look underneath the surface and discover the genuine beauty and characteristics of an individual, you will find the TRUE MARKINGS OF THAT PERSON! This I believe... I wish you all the good fortune and fame that comes your way and I know you will not stray or forget who gave you those gifts! Nurture your talent, embrace it as it has brought joy and solice to many people all over the world! May you take your music to a whole new level and enlighten the minds and ears of those who choose to hear your sound! Be grateful and God Bless in your future endeavors...
To see FIJI sing the National Anthem go to youtube, type in FIJI sings the National Anthem.
P.S. - FIJI water is the best tasting water I've ever had! Just sayin!!

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