Friday, October 20, 2006

Thursday, October 19th...

Okay its Thursday, October 19, 2006 and its a great day, you ask why? Because its over the hump day and the posi is not in the ofisa today....oh yea!!
Last nite went to La Mirada to get Lole the New Zealand raised Singer. She is very in tune with the LORD and out here to learn from other worshippers, which is great! She's a friend of my sisters and I'm just a side buster haha! But its funny how we bump into so many people with different walks of life, which is great too! Its also a good missionary opportunity to share the word with whoever you come in contact with. Well hope everyone is having a great day, I know what they say "When the cats away the mice come out to play"...a ea..Ia manuia le aso....

1 comment:

Rowena said...

Hey B Nice!!

So you took Lole out, huh? That sounds extra cool, she's really cool peeps and I hope she's enjoying her time here in the States! You're doing GREAT with your blog sweets...don't forget about your Fanaa review, I wanna see it girl! ;)