For some reason, I wasn't really excited to go watch "Eclipse" and I really wasn't planning on watching it, but when the day came, I ended up going. Went to Rolling Hills Cinema with my cousins to watch it and it was playing in 4 theaters so it wasn't really crowded. I was surprised to see alot of guys there without girlfriends watching the movie which was kinda cool. I mean Edward is HOT and Jacob does have a nice body! Although, I'm TEAM WOLF, Jacob really got on my nerves trying to win Bella's heart when we all know she's in LOVE with Edward. There were certain parts in the movie when Edward wasn't as pale and white where he looked totally HOT. Jacob with no shirt always looks good!!
The parts I didn't like were where in the book, I was hatin Bella, but when I saw everything in my face and on the screen, I was a TRUE BELLA HATER! At the jump of the movie she's kissing on Edward, throughout the movie, then she's always making out with Edward and then on the mountain she's making out with Jacob, who does that! YUCK, in the theater some random guy yelled out she's a SLUT when she was makin out with Jacob, and I couldn't hold back, so I turned around and yelled out, you're right, she is a slut! WHOA..I was not diggin her at all.
I enjoyed all the parts that they put in the movie because it depicts all the important parts of the book, but couldn't help myself when I saw how Bella was like torn between Jacob and Edward. Its obvious that she's in love with Edward, so Jacob give it a rest..
I enjoyed Rosalie and Jaspers stories and I appreciated Victoria, but the old Victoria kinda stuck in my head. The old Victoria looked like a natural, but this new one wasn't quite there for me. I love the Cullens, love their devoted protection for one another in their family, don't love how everyone is willing to die and get hurt for Bella, for what..UGH! Like how the wolves and vampires combined forces to work together!
I would definitely go sse "Eclipse" again just to see what details I missed out on. I recommend this movie it was good and we all know whats going to happen in the book, so seeing everything on screen was kool. Of course, the book is always better than the movie because its hard to plese everyone and their expectations. There were 3 different directors and each one brought different ideas and perceptions into the movie. I"ll be waiting for "Breaking Dawn" This is the book where everything unfolds and plenty of action will take place.
1 comment:
Yah this was by far my FAVORITE movie. I loved the fighting scene... Bella was really getting on my nerves. How dare she accept Edwards ring and then kiss Jacob UGHH UGH!!!!
I did love all the stories though. They did however miss out on Alice's story and Mother Esme's story. But I did enjoy the movie VERY MUCH!!!! Yayyyy... Too bad we have to wait another year and a half for the 1st half of Breaking Dawn. I hope the Part II of the movie comes out the following month or something cuz I do NOT wanna wait for another year ugh...
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