This is my first time reading a Romance Novel by Jula Quinn and I must say that I absolutely loved this book. I guess since reading and all is new to me, and reading Romance Novels right now seems to be my nitch, I imagine I'm just going to devour (meaning reading) all the Romance Novels I can get.
"What Happens In London" really reminds me of Pride and Prejudice, so while reading this book, I kind of envisioned Mr. Darcy as Sir Harry and Lizzy Bennett as Lady Olivia.
Characters are:
Sir Harry Valentine- works as translator ofr War Office, loves Olivia
Lady Olivia Bevelstoke- nosey neighbor, loves Harry
Sebastian- Harry's cousin, free spirited bachelor
Prince Alexi- Russian Prince
The book was refreshing, funny and most of all lovely! I enjoyed this book very much. Sir Harry has moved next door to Lady Olivia and her friends tell her that he killed his fiance. Rumor and gossip flourish London like nobodys business, apparently there is nothing else to do but tell stories whether true or not true. So with this in mind, Olivia does not believe a word of it, but she begins to watch her new neighbor from her window. She watches him for 5 days thinking that Harry has no idea that he sees her when all the while he sees her. Harry works for the military as a translator of French and Russian documents but was still trained to fight in combat. He began to do things in his office to entertain Olivia being that she didn't think that he knew she was watching him. He wore a big hat with feathers and threw papers in the fireplace which he usually wouldn't. One day she was watching Harry, he looked up and their eyes met and she quickly dropped to the ground embarrassed that he saw her. But Harry knew all along she was watching. Their relationship builds from talking at the their windows at night.
Harry and Olivia have that Love - Hate relationship going on which I love! There was adventure and twists and turns in the Romance Novel. I really enjoyed the romantic part of the novel, the way the author described the desire that Harry and Olivia had for each other. It's always good to hear adult and mature descriptions of the loveliest experience one could have.
Sebastians character was very pleasant and he's a ladies man, but sounds like he's a delightful friend to Harry. I pictured him being a vibrant reader and actor as he read excerpts from the Miss Butterworth book Harry gave to Olivia. In the book Sebastian is reading and everyone in Lady Olivia's house is amazed and listeneing even the servants. Tells me that he is one good narrator..
Prince Alexi fancies Olivia but he is not a dumb prince and realizes that Oliva does NOT love him she loves Harry, for this I was greatful. I can't stand it when a man knows that a woman loves someone else and still yet tries to persude her to love him; not kool; get a clue and move on..Bloody Hell!! Love that British slang!
I enjoyed the ending of the book as well. I"m trying my darndest not to give too much information away, but I'll be looking out for more books by Julia Quinn. I must admit this novel reminded me of Pride and Prejudice which is my favorite English Movie of all time. I highly recommend this book to Romance Novel readers. Alot of good stuff going on this novel.Thanks again Ms. Quinn for a most enjoyable book!
1 comment:
Love, love LOVE this book! Oh goodness, I forgot to give you Sebastian's book, huh? I'll bring it with me to the next book swap. I enjoyed Sebastian's book too.
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