July 5th, no work HOORAY! I decided to treat myself to the 10:45am showing of Grown Ups." I went by myself, didn't want to wait for anyone to get ready, didn't want to wake up anyone to go with me, so I decided to venture on by myself, and it was NICE! There were a few older couples in the theater and just me, so it was nice and relaxing.
The movie is hilarious! You laugh in the beginning to the end. A story about 5 dovoted friends who were able to win the Basketball Championship for their Middle School in 1978. Their coach really loved the boys and 30 years later everyone is grown up living with ther families and kids. Their coach passed away which brings them to reunite at the funeral.
You have to have a good sense of humor and be quick whitted to understand all the comedy in the movie. Everyone is like ragging on each other at any given time and if you don't listen carefully you miss the joke, its very funny!
One of my favorite parts was when the fathers take their families to the water park and the 5 friends are in the pool and they all take a leak in the pool and the water turns dark blue..that was hilarious. Adam Sandler's wife in the movie is Salma Hyak and she's this high end fashion designer in Beverly Hills and Adam is a Hollywood Agent. His 2 boys are total rich brats. Always texting the nanny to bring them food, playing their video games and acting like punks. He has a little daughter who drives his merecedes into a patio table. Ne-ways, the get together for their coachs' funeral, brings all the guys and their families together for a weekend at the old river house. Each family and their kids have their own issues.
In the end, everyone has a good time and Adam Sandlers brats enjoy themselves and get to break out of their rich habbits at least for the week with everyone else. Salma breaks down and tells Adam instead of leaving to Milan, Italy after one night at the river house; she decides family time is more important that her fashion show which can be handled by others.
Because Adam Sandlers team won the basketball game in 1978 their enemies would not live it down. So they play and Adams son plays and the enemy plays with his son against them. At the final moment where Adam Sandler never misses the bank shot, he looks at his enemies wife and family and purposely misses the shot. At the end of the movie, the fireworks are going off and Salma asks Adam why did you miss that shot, he said because sometimes the enemy needs to win, and we need to learn how to lose! A nice ending.
A nice family summer movie. I would recommend this movie to families and to get a good laugh! Good family time..
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