The book had a lot of characters and twists and turns.
These are the main characters, well at least to me they are:
Max- Husband and Father; turned Gay
Kaye- Wife of Max, Hollywood actress
Lou- 13 year old Daughter of couple
Betty- Family dog
Tilly- House and Child Sitter for couple, doesn't have steady relationships
Erin- Tilly's BFF, hooks up with Fergus
Jack- Player, Player in town, Works with Max, lost fiance Rose, loves Tilly
Rose- Fiance of Jack, is mentioned that she rescued family dog, but drowned and was with child (Jacks)
Fergus- Seperated from wife; hooks up with Erin
Stella- Seperated wife of Fergus, beautiful, over confident, gets cancer and dies
Parker- Fan of Kaye, loves Kaye and both move to New York
My favorite character in the book was Max. His character was funny and he often just spoke out and said what he wanted to say at any given moment. He also was a good father to Lou. When he was interviewing Tilly for the job of Girl Friday, which was a girl needed to stay at the house to take Lou (his daughter) to school, pick her up, make dinner when necessary and keep things running smooth around the house; he basically hired her for her whit over the phone.
I also liked the way Max was a little over protective when his Ex-wife Kaye was meeting up with her fan Parker. He went above and beyond to make sure Parker was not a psycho stalker, which he wasn't. It just showed how even though he was divorced and turned gay, he still cared for Kaye, which was nice. I also liked how the book ended with Max and his side remarks, it ended where Tilly and Jack are finally together and engaged and Max says finally and you two still reak of garlic..well that was paraphrasing and not word for word, but its so funny!
The drama between Tilly and Jack is a cute one. Tilly is not good with relationships and often finds herself waiting for her partner to fall out of love with her so he can be the one to call it quits in the relationship, she just thinks its better that way. She sees Jack Lucas and instantly finds him gorgeous as the other ladies in the town do as well. She feels different around him and opens up to him and he does the same telling her how he's lost his fiance. She hears the rumors around town about Jack, that he's a lady's man and goes out with every beautiful woman and they all swear that they have slept with him, truth is, he hasn't slept with them!
He just lets the ladies in town say whatever they want and thus he becomes the most eligible bachelor to date all the beautiful women! Although, he does sleep with Kaye (Max's wife) so she can gain her self esteem back, I didn't like that part. Its just weird ya know sleeping with your friends ex-wife because he told her he was gay. It is tough, but I still didn't like that he slept with Kaye even if it were for one day UGH! Against the FRIENDS RULE!!
Tilly a good relationship with Lou..Tilly lives with Max and Lou and they hit it off and get along well with each other. Lou is such a sweet daughter and loves her gay father. She end up beatin up Eddie from school for teasing her about her dad; what a sport, to give a boy a black eye, classic!
Ne-ways, he stood up Tilly for their dinner date because Rose's parents stopped by his house unexpectedly and he didn't want to be rude and chase them away just so he could go on his date. Tilly gets really upset and makes up her mind that she doesn't want to see him anymore, just as FRIENDS. Jack knows he loves Tilly and she knows she does too but he asks her what does he have to do to prove to her that he's being serious..Jack is very patient with Tilly, but she kind of got my nerves trying to avoid him, but he still persisted and Tilly's lucky he didn't give up on her..
I really enjoyed the part in the book where Jack went to Rose's parents to ask for their blessing as he moves on in his life and embarks on a new quest to gain Tillys heart, even though we know she's dying to be with Jack, she has her reserves, but is always assuming things, which when you do that all the time, you know the saying, when you ASS-U-ME, you make an ASS out of U and Me, so thats why you shouldn't assume!
In the end, he goes to Plan C, and takes a walk with her and passes by neighbors and tells them good morning, this is Tilly the lady I'm going to marry and does that into town as well. They go to the jewelry shop and buys her an engagement ring. Tlly finally opens up her heart and lets Jack in, the things he had to do to win her love. A nice ending! Tilyl and Jack are engaged and her BFF Erin is with the man she loves Fergus and they both can be with the men who they will spend the rest of their lives with!
It was a nice Chic Lit book..I would definitely recommend this book to readers.
Thank you Jill Mansell for a lovely book! Her next book I will be reading is "An offer you can't refuse"
1 comment:
I'm so glad that you enjoyed this book. Now, you can start reading books set in different countries and you can live vicariously through the characters.
Wasn't this a good one? I'm so glad that you're reading books now.
Woo hoo, Jack was such a sweetie pie and a HOTTIE!
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