Julie James author of this book does a great job of combining the "Love and Hate" relationship between JD Jameson and Payton Kendall. 2 Lawyers working for the same firm for 8 years; different offices, same thoughts! Things get heated when it's time for the firm to make the senior associates Partner for the firm. But, they soon find out that there is no room for 2 Partners and only one of them will be selected for Partner. They both worked hard for the past 8 years for the firm, making snde remarks to one another yet at the same time unable to stop thinking of each other.
Kendall Payton-lawyer, loves JD
JD Jameson-lawyer,loves Payton
Laney- Paytons best friend at the firm
Tyler- Jamesons best friend at the firm
Ben- Payton and Jameson boss at firm
This book was fascinating to me because of the ending. I kind of had a hunch that Payton and Jameson were in love and I thought they were both gonna make partner, but as the story progresses we see a differnt turn, which is lovely!
JD and Payton act like they can't stand each other but we all know its that Love and hate thing they got going on. They were both assigned a case and were to travel to Florida to meet the new Million Dollar Clients which haven't exactly chosen their firm to represent them yet. They were happy to travel together as they had a previous encounter at her place and almost went for the goal..But they didn't. Ne-ways, at a previous dinner they were asked to say something about each other and to their surprise each of them had a lot of nice things to say about each other.
In Florida, they had a nice dinner with the clients and then in the evening it was all or nothing! They had a great time with each other, burning the midnight oil, or as I would say it..Takin that Morning Ride, Evening Ride and Late Nite Ride..it was intense! So they extended their stay in Florida for the whole weekend instead of one night. They were able to talk freely, get to know each other and just fall in love with each other which was nice, since in the book they are just mean to each other..
After their marvelous weekend, it was getting closer to the date where the firm would announce who would be the partner and the other senior associate would probably leave to find another firm to work for. JD and Payton returned to work after their needed weekend together, JD walks to the car and Payton follows and stops JD and says, " This situation between us is totally messed up, " she began. "Frankly, I haven't changed my mind in thinking that whatever decision the firm makes tomorrow is going to be a problem for us. A big problem." "But here's the thing-the alternative means not being with you. And I've been not with you for years, JD I dno't want that anymore." " I think we can get past this partnership thing if we go into it together."
I loved that part of the book, Payton was like "F it" I'm gonna tell him how I feel. I love that about her, she jut made the first move and told him that she wants to be with him, no matter what the firm decides upon. She doesn't know that JD is feeling the same way. As in other books I've read, if you feel the situation is right and you feel like who gives a dayum I'm going for it, then your best bet is to go for it damn it, I would! So she did and I respect Payton for that.
Paytons heart was broken when she found out that JD told the boss that he slept with her in his office which was not true. Truth is, he was jealous when he saw Payton talking with some other client at a company party and he made it up. JD was in love with Payton the first day they met at the firm 8 years ago. The things men do ay yay yay!
The day came when the firm was ready to announce who they chose to be partner..This is one of my fave parts too..JD and Payton sat next to each other and both very competitive, they were in Bens office, right before Ben was to announce who made partner, JD stood up and said, "All right, Paytonm F*** it, I quit Ben." Payton was furious, she did not want to win being partner by default. JD wanted to talk to Payton badly; so after quarreling they went into another room to talk.
Here comes the good parts..he was trying to explain himself to Payton but she was being such a sour puss and upset at JD for the lie he told their boss. So he just came right out and said it, "I'm in love with you Payton." "I've been in love with you since the very beginning. You asked why there isn't anyone else in my life, and the reason ...is you." " I know I've acted otherwise. I know I've been terrible to you at times. That's just a defense mechanism. Because the truth is, every single day for the past eight years I've wanted you to look at me the way you did when we first met." A tear ran down her cheek as she said, " Sorry. I just keep thinking"-how we've wasted so much time." Why didn't you ever say anything?" JD said, "I know, Payton-I wish I could go back, I wish I could take it all back" But I'm saying it now, dont tell me its too late."
I loved that part in the book, how they were both fessing up to loving each other long time ago for 8 years and only now they decide to break the ice and fall in love with each other and express themselves, how kool is that. I respect how JD just let it all out and put the cards on the table. He didn't care much for his pride at the time and was willing to sacrifice whatever would happen to make things work out with Payton. Now that is LOVE!
Another part that caught my emotions was when JD said to Payton, "We can do this Payton. We don't have to let them separate us- that was their decision, not ours. The best part of this job was that I got to spend everyday with you. I don't want to lose that." This is so classic! A man spilling his gutts that he loved everyday because he was working with her, not exactly with her but in the same department and across the hall from each other for 8 years. Whoa like 8 years is enough for me indeed it is; if you don't know you love someone by then, then give it up..haha!
But Payton told JD that they would be together and that from this day forward she never ever wanted to be apart from him again..Aww True Love!
In the end, Payton and JD leave the firm and decided to start their own firm with their first clients the Millionaires from Florida. Ben (their ex-boss) told them that they were fools to leave and try to start their own firm. Payton told Ben, "You shouldn't have let it come down to this Ben. Jd and I both deserve this and if this firm values strategic leveraging over the committment we've shown over the last eight years, then frankly, you don't deseve us."
This book was geat! I loved how they both ended up leaving the firm and how they both finally confessed their love for each other. You dont find out who the firm chose to make partner, but just for the sake of guessing, I thought it would have been JD Jameson. I don't know firms and especially with men like Ben, I think they are trying to keep it male dominated and white collar all the way..But with Payton and JD Jameson on the same team; I think they will be unstoppable and in love!
Thats my take on the book and thank you Julie James for another wonderful novel. I am looking forward to reading the next book, "Something about You" and after I read it i will write my thoughts and my favorite parts of the book on my blog.
I don't really do book reviews, because I'm new to the whole reading and loving books, that I just end up telling what happens in the books I read and telling of my favorite parts and how they made me feel..So if you read my reviews and dont' want to know what happens in the books, then dont read my reviews and thoughts on the books, I totally give it away..
LOL, girl we need to work on your reviewing skills because you done gave the entire book away. LOL. I'm glad to see that you enjoyed this book though, it was great, wasn't it? Now you have to read Something About You and then you'll be done with all of Julie James stuff. She's frickin' great.
OMG I know. Its like once I get started i can't stop and then I end up blurting out the whole book and everything. I just FB Tita and I was telling her i wrote about some books that I read but if she didn't want to know about the books themshe shouldn'tread my blog UGH! I just get so caught up cuz i'm reading and thats a miracle in itself.. don't want to forget what the books were about ether..UGH..I can't review books this must stay in my personal blog right where it is haha! what you think?
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