This is one of Sarah Dessens YA books which is one of my favorites. I've read alot of her books and plan to read them all. I have yet to do some insight commenting or book reviews of her other books that I've read. Her books evoke anticipation and emotions in me that I haven't even bothered to tap into in a long time. So for this and many more reasons, I really enjoy her books!
Macy- the main character, lost her father-saw him die
Wes- artist, works for Wish Catering
Delia- Wes' aunt, owner of Wish Catering
Bert-Wes' little brother, loves Sci-Fi
Kristy- Macys friend, lively young lady, does and says what she wants, works for Wish
Monica- lives with Kristy, slow paced, doesn't talk much, works for Wish Catering
Jason-Macys Ex-Boyfriend, nerd, all about academics
Macys mother
Caroline-Macys sister
Macy was with Jason for several years and he was a brainiac guy and she just followed suit with his plans, studying all the time for SAT's, doing extra homework and hanging out with noone but Jason. He prepared to go to Brain Camp and thus she is stuck at home for the whole summer by herself and fills in for Jason at the library. When he leaves Macy misses him and sends an email to him saying that she loves him; big mistake. Jason is wound up in his academics that he doesn't have time for distractions and feels that his relationship with Macy at this point in life is a distraction. So he replies to her email and tells her he thinks they should take a break from each other.
Macy's father passed away and she saw the whole thing, He was jogging that morning and before he left the house told Macy to get up and get to running, She didn't feel like running, but got up later and headed out towards their regular route. She finds her dad on the street and a stranger holding him trying to revive him back to life; he passed out and had a heart attack. She's devastated as she was very close to her father!
Then as the story progresses things happen and Macy finds a job, new friends and she finds herself opening up to Wes and enjoying her new life for the summer, outside of her comfort zone!
One of my favorite parts in the book was where Delia had her baby and Macy was there to help. The hospital was too much for Macy to handle as it brought back those memories of her in the waiting room as they waited for the doctors who were tending to her father years ago. She takes the elevator excusing herself from Delia and the others and finds an empty alcove where she began to sob tears as the memories of her father overwhelmed her. Behind her was Wes. He put his hand on her shoulder and she didn't move away as she usually would have. Instead, she gave in and let Wes pull her against him and pressed her head against his chest where she felt his heartbeat steady and true. What a moment! When you're down and out and not at your best, who comes to your aid, WES a true hunk and comforter! He also lost his mother to illness so he has compassion and understands what Macy is going thru.
Throughout the book when Macy meets Wes while working for Wish Catering, she and Wes play the "Truth Game" and this is the way they get to know each other so well. Their likes and dislikes, what their thinking and so forth, The catch is, you have to tell the Truth. I like that game, no long story telling just right to the point..Thus motivated by this, I'm playing the Truth Game with my friend and its going pretty good. No judging of one another, just Truth!
Another part in the book that just got me thinking and I really enjoyed was when Macy runs to look for Wes as he left her house. They had a previous conversation where Macy was telling Wes that I guess things a re back to normal she would be with Jason and wes would be with Becky. Macy is out of breath when she reaches him and told him that there has been a change in the "Truth Game." He didn't understand, she told him that he has to ask her the question he passed and then the game would be over. He didn't know where she was going with this. Macy thought to herself, " I knew, in the silence that followed, that anything could happen here. It might be too late: again, I might have missed my chance. But I would at least know I tried, that I took my heart and extended my hand, whatever the outcome." This paragraph had so much meaning for me. Isn't that the way its suppose to be, to take that chance and if you really have a good feeling about the situation, take that step and go for it..
I'm so glad Macy took that step because when Wes asked her the question, "What would you do if you could do anything?" Macy closed the gap between her and Wes and kissed him right there in the street for anyone to see. She then says, " As for me, I was just trying to get it right, whatever that meant. But now I finally felt I was on my way. Everyone had a forever, but given a choice, this would be mine, The one that began in this moment, with Wes, in a kiss that took my breath away, then gave it back-leaving me astounded, amazed and most of all, alive." Was that deep or what. I love that part in the book.
Macys father before passing away bought her a gift and she wasn't suppose to open it until he told her. When he passed she just pushed the gift aside in her closet. As time goes on and she's friends with Wes, she decides to open the gift and to her surprise it was a sculpture of the angel that Wes made. Her father told her it was gonna be a great surprise and indeed it was!
It's hard when a parent passes away, leaving you with only the memories to reflect on. My father recently passed away last year due to illness. So I could sympathize with Macy as she had flashbacks of her father. Unlike Macy, where she saw her father pass away, noone was in my fathers hospital room when he passed. It was like, he didn't want anyone around when he took his last breath of life! I think he wanted it that way. He wasn't in pain when he passed nor was he conscious according to the doctors, but I believe he could hear us all when we spoke to him. The last night I was with him, it was my watch and I did the night shift. We never left him alone. For some reason in the morning, I looked at my dad as he lay there still and I don't know it was like I was prompted to whisper in his ear, "Dad, if you're too tired and you're body wants to rest and you want to be at peace, its OK.. go ahead, we will be fine! The next day, sure enough he passed away! I was devastated, I didn't know what to say, I regretted saying what I said to him for a moment, but I knew it was his time to go. His body has been thru so much and it was too much physically to try and stay alive to be with your loved ones. I know he gave it his best, but what matters is that he's at Rest with the one on high who brought us all down to earth! Sorry, kind of went off from the book, but what is a book if you can't relate it to real life! Fictional or Non-Fictional it is the Circle of Life!
Delia and Kristy were two characters that made the book come alive and have some real life incidents and attitudes. Delia the owner of WISH, somehow always has mishaps during her catering and its like without them she doesn't really feel normal. In any case, she always handles everything in a fast pace and gets the job done!
Kristy is such a vibrant girl, living life, adventurous and pretty much spills the beans about Wes and Macy and how they both know they want to be with each other but because of their different personalities just can't seem to get it right. She compares Wes and Macy to a novel she read and explains everything to Macys mom and the whole Wish Crew at Macys house while they are at work. Kristy is a kind of friend I wouldn't mind having, Speaks the truth and just tells it like it is, and she also has your back!
Bret is a Sci-Fi junky. He plays the Gotcha game with his brother Wes and always loses. Wes pretty much looks after Bret. He makes me laugh when he pulls up in his new car, what once was an ambulance, too funny
Monica- quiet and sticks to her words of Mmm Hmm for everything
Caroline- Macys sister, she renovates their old beach house, where they have plenty of memories with their father. She was the outspoken and older sister. It was her idea to re-do the house and have her mom and Macy come to take vacation. She was tired of not talking about the good memories they had with thei dad and it was time to move on and remember him and everything he's done for them
Well, this has got to be one of my longest reviews and sharing of my feelings. To all who read it, thanks and enjoy! Sometimes, well most of the time, I can't stop and just type away.
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