Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 Its a NEW YEAR and time to BLOG IT!

January 11, 2011

Its about that time to get crakin and start to blog again. I haven't been bloggin lately and this year I need to step it up ladies and gentlemen and get to it! Lots of new resolutions and goals to accomplish this year and gonna name a few hmm..1) Lose weight, like always, 2) Pray more 3) Get mad, get over it and move on 4) Get it in gear and make it happen 5) Travel when the opportunity arises and no looking back 6) Read more books than last year 7) Be on time or early to work- so far so good 8) leave my savings account alone- DO NOT TOUCH!

There are many other goals I have but for right now these are the ones that I can think of so here we go..

1 comment:

Rowena said...

I hear you on those goals. I need to step it up my dang self. Good luck with yours and hell, while I'm wishing luck out, I wish my dang self some luck! =)

Let's make it a good year B Nizzle! It's our year!