Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reading again..YEA ME!!

So its Wednesday, January 12, 2011 and I started reading "10 Things I love about you" by Julia Quinn and I'm still in the beginning chapters but its getting good. I'm sure the plot will be great. I was telling Wena how I love when the books come together and are connected. I read "What happens in London" by Julia Quinn which told of Harry, Sebastians cousin and this book is about Sebastian and according to Wena she loved it, so I know I'm gonna enjoy it as well. All the books I've read thus far are arerecommended by her so I know its all good in the hood!

I also just got "Misguided Angel" which is the 4th or 5th book for the Series Blue Bloods which I loved as well. I read the first chapter and its taking me a little while to recall what happened in the other books but its all coming back to me. I think I'm gonna read some more of Misguided Angel tonite and then resume with Sebastians story tomorrow. I love it reading 2 books is beyond me. Since I'm not so new in the reading game now, I hope not to confuse all the characters in each book so good luck to me. But I think I'll be okay with these 2 books since Sebastians story is in the British setting about love and what not and Misguided Angel is also about love but with vampires as well, the Blue Bloods, the Silver Bloods aww goodness again.

Alritey so off I go to read and enjoy my nite...Good nite all..

1 comment:

Rowena said...

Don't you hate when that happens? When you have this long ol' wait between books and you don't do your reread and then you forget what happened and spend the beginning of the new book trying to remember what happened in the other books? LOL.

I bet I'm going to be the same way with this book, I just need to hurry up and get it read already.